A lot of people got it wrong in this "easier than candy" addition

Do you consider yourself smart and eye-catching? You think you’re “smarter than a 1st grader” – try the following math problem now!

The online community is “brainstorming” with an extremely simple calculation, but not everyone gives the right result.

If you don’t believe it, try the math below! Surely, after looking at it, many of you will think that this calculation is too simple – how could it be wrong! But did you know that a lot of people gave incorrect answers?

If you trust your wits, quick eyes, then try this quiz!

A lot of people got it wrong in this "easier than candy" addition
The problem seems simple, right?

Let’s start with the first calculation!

A lot of people got it wrong in this "easier than candy" addition
According to this formula, each apple is equal to 10 right?

A lot of people got it wrong in this "easier than candy" addition
An apple plus two bunches of bananas equals 18, so each bunch of bananas is worth 4. Remember, each bunch of bananas is worth 4!

A lot of people got it wrong in this "easier than candy" addition
Next, a bunch of bananas minus a coconut equals 2. So the coconut will be worth 2. Can’t go wrong!

Then : Coconut + banana + apple = 2 + 4 + 10 = 16! Where can I go wrong! But the truth is, you’ve been fooled! Let’s take a closer look!

In this picture, there are only 1/2 coconuts, an apple and a bunch of bananas have 3, right? So the coconut in this calculation has a value of 1, banana = 3 and apple = 10.

A lot of people got it wrong in this "easier than candy" addition
Coconut = 1, apple = 10 and banana = 3

The result will be: 1 + 10 + 3 = 14.