Why do people behave generously?

Research conducted by a group of scientists from the University of Luebeck (Germany) and published in the July 11 issue of Nature Communications, says people give because it makes them happy.

Why do people behave generously?
Billionaire Warren Buffett has just shocked the world when giving away more than 3 billion USD from his personal fortune to charity – (Photo: AFP).

The scientists tracked psychological and emotional developments and brain changes in participants who experienced acts of generosity. The responses of these people all proved that giving brought them comfort.

Brain scans in these people also show that the part of the brain that commands generosity also activates a response in another part of the brain that is associated with feelings of happiness .

Another group of volunteers also participated in the study, but instead of giving away they were asked to spend on themselves. The results showed that this group did not have as many happy emotions as the giving group.

The special thing is that those who participate in the giving experience feel happy and the level of happiness is completely independent of the value of the money they give. Thus, when giving, people feel happier than when using for themselves.