Why do the rear fog lights on many cars only light on one side?

The design style of the deviated lights comes from Europe, one side is for the fog lights and the other side is for the reverse lights.

During a trip through Vietnam in the northern mountainous region by car, when coming to a foggy area, the vehicles are required to turn on the fog lights both front and rear. Tran Kien followed a Porsche and wondered why the car only lit one fog light and not both. Did a bulb burn out, or did the manufacturer forget to install the bulb or intentionally designed it to do so?

This is the question of many drivers, similar to the case of the rear reflector light on one side white, one side red. In fact, this is not a design error or an error in use, but a design tradition of many car manufacturers around the world.

Why do the rear fog lights on many cars only light on one side?
Ford Focus with one side white light, one side red (bottom).

Originating from Europe, where the weather is often foggy, it is required that cars have warning lights at the rear of the car, so fog lights were born. In order for the light from this lamp to emit without dazzling the rear vehicle, it must be monochromatic light with a large wavelength, usually red or yellow.

If the fog lights are arranged in the same cluster with the taillights, brake lights, turn signals, etc., when on the road, the fog lights are turned on, the driver of the rear vehicle may misunderstand that the vehicle in front is braking, doing this. interrupt the journey and the ability of the rear driver to control the vehicle. Therefore, cars of European origin often design fog lights located separately below, away from the taillights.

Once the location of the fog lights has been determined, in order to create a balance for the rear design, the car manufacturers here put one side of the reverse light (side) and the other side of the fog light (driver’s side). The rear lights help the driver see the hard-to-see side. Because of this design, many cars behind see a white side (reverse light), a red side (fog light).

Currently, car design develops in many trends and forms, allowing the company to place the lights in many different positions, but many brands not only in Europe but also in Asia and the US still keep the same structure. Install only one side of the fog light. For example, the reverse light is in the same taillight cluster, the fog light is under the shock absorber in the position of the reflector.

Why do the rear fog lights on many cars only light on one side?
Subaru Forester only one side of the rear fog light has a shadow (left), the other side does not.

Firms can completely design two fog lights, but many companies explain that one light will better attract the driver’s attention, but it can also be just a design tradition or a cost-effective way, while There are many brands for both lights, such as Toyota.

Driving experts advise, in countries with tropical climates like Vietnam , it is not necessary for drivers to turn on the fog lights in normal conditions, even turning them on makes the rear car lose focus. Please turn on the fog lights when entering a foggy area or it is too rainy to observe and warn other drivers.