5 indispensable things to create a prodigy's extraordinary wisdom

Although there is no official definition of “prodigies”, many psychologists consider them to be individuals who, despite their young age (under 10 years old) have developed skills on par with a professional. So what makes some people geniuses?

According to scientists, in fact, having a high IQ is not a prerequisite for becoming a prodigy.

There was a study on the power of short-term memory and learning IQ in developing children over a 6-year period. In this study, normally developing students were tested on their IQ and short-term memory (academic knowledge in reading, spelling, and math) at age 5 and tested again. when they were 11 years old.

Scientists have found that a child’s academic success depends on how good their short-term memory is, regardless of their IQ.

In a 1956 study entitled “The mystical number 7, plus or minus 2” , scientist George Miller showed that at any given time, most ordinary people can only remember 7 things in their head, Add or subtract 2 numbers read to you by someone without using a pen and paper or a calculator. Smart people are said to be able to handle more. That’s the difference in short-term memory from person to person.

5 indispensable things to create a prodigy's extraordinary wisdom
Passion for discovery, super memory and guaranteed upbringing are some of the key factors
to create a genius.

Clara Schumann – one of the greatest composers and music critics of all time is known for being strict, always paying attention to the little things. Schumann’s daughter Eugenie once revealed that her mother never allowed “even the smallest mistakes”.

The researchers also found that when they studied and analyzed the personalities that were associated with the manifestation of autism in genius children, they discovered a very large trait, which is attention. to every detail.

Young children can remember where they got the toy and put it back. But children with extraordinary abilities never sit still until they understand why the toys move.

Children with developed intelligence can think in many ways. They can get to the bottom of things and figure out how to solve problems.

In her book Genius Kids: Myths and Truths , psychologist Ellen Winner used the term “Passion for Mastery” to describe what makes a child prodigy. There, she talks about a kind of mental state that makes people happy, engrossed, immersed in their work and even losing their sense of self.

Professor David Lubinski – aptitude assessor and professor of psychology at Vanderbilt University (Tennessee) said that passion and motivation are the “energetic drugs” for people with good intelligence to become successful people. genius because they will constantly be looking for opportunities to express their creativity and intelligence.

Most of the best people in academia are judged to be somewhat eccentric, which sets them apart from everyone else.

Ellen Winner notes that one of the most prominent characteristics of young prodigies is “nonconformists” , often approaching problems in their own ways. They don’t need someone else to set the task, motivate, give advice, or provide the means of discovery and discovery that most other students need. “Often these kids make their own rules and come up with novel, different ways of solving problems,” Winner wrote.

However, most genius children feel socially isolated because people often mistake their natural talents for mental illness.

To become a violin prodigy, you need not only memory, detail or distinctive personality, but also someone who can give you a guitar. It is an analogy to see that although child prodigies tend to be self-sufficient, they still need great support from other factors such as living environment, especially from their parents to have the opportunity to develop. develop ability. For child prodigies, parental influence is even more important than teachers.