Himba tribe has topless women in Africa

Living in the northern region of Namibia, the Himba tribe still lives as in the primitive times. Women here don’t wear tops, but bare their breasts.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
The Himba tribe
lives mainly in Kaokoland in the Kunene region, in Northern Namibia with a population of about 50,000. Here, they are almost completely isolated from modern society.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
Irish photographer Trevor Cole came here to learn about Himba life and culture.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
“I like the simplicity and harmony between the tribal groups,” he said. They live simply, work together and easily adapt to the environment. They have the right to decide their own future without having to absorb any other civilization.”

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
The little girls of the Himba tribe often braid their hair into two simple braids.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
When they reach puberty, Himba girls will braid their hair into many braids and apply a mixture of clay and red ocher on their heads.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
The Himba tribe is strictly protected by the Namibian government so that their lives are not affected by the presence of tourists.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
The Himba tribe still maintains a nomadic lifestyle, they move seasonally, to the best places for their livestock.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
To cope with the harsh climate of southern Africa without clothes, the Himba women apply a mixture of red-brown fats and butters to their skin.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
Himba women believe that red is beautiful and symbolizes earth and blood.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
The wild beauty of Himba women.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
Only a few young men wore T-shirts, the rest, most Himba men, were topless.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
Himba women are responsible for taking care of the children, while the men often herd livestock away from home for long periods of time.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
The Himba tribe still maintains polygamy, and men can have many wives, especially if they have many livestock.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
Himba women do not bathe, instead, they cleanse their bodies with aromatic plants and resins.

Himba tribe has topless women in Africa
Women, in addition to taking care of the children, are also responsible for milking the cows every morning.

Himba tribe has topless women in AfricaHimba tribe has topless women in Africa
The accessories on Himba women are often quite sophisticated and vary depending on age and whether they are married or not.