What is the real threat of nuclear war?

But our understanding of what happens after a nuclear exchange has greatly increased over time. Early studies using simple models showed a catastrophic result – that the entire planet’s climate would be cold and harsh for a long time – known as a nuclear winter.

“Nuclear winter” is a hypothesis that American scientists put forward in the 80s of the twentieth century. Researchers believe that, after nuclear war, Earth’s weather and climate will be seriously affected.

But further calculations using more advanced modeling in the 1980s suggest that the consequences may not be as bad as previously predicted – that is, not to the extent of a “nuclear winter” , but a “seed fall”. core”.

However, in 2008, an article in Physics Today looked at the effects of nuclear winter, suggesting that this initial prediction was actually more accurate. Furthermore, the researchers assert that even a regional nuclear war would be enough to spark an age of widespread crop failure, poverty, and broader ecological consequences for many years.

What is the real threat of nuclear war?
After nuclear war, Earth’s weather and climate will be severely affected.

“It’s still a threat, although super-powerful nuclear war – an exchange of thousands of nuclear weapons – may not be possible,” said Paul Edwards, a University senior research scholar. Stanford, which specializes in the effects of nuclear winter, says. “These scenarios require only a small number of nuclear weapons to be dangerous enough for the environment, and for humans.”

One can survive the immediate impact of a nuclear explosion. But what happens to the aftermath of the attack, which includes everything from excess radiation to food shortages, can also affect everyday life.

Some companies are preparing for a possible nuclear attack. Rising S Company has marketed a doomsday bunker that can provide shelter should the worst happen. These structures are placed underground, at least 1.2 meters, and connected to homes and properties through an underground entrance.

The company claims its business boomed after President Trump was elected. In 2017, Rising S installed about 230 such bunkers, bringing in million in revenue.

These bunkers are designed to protect occupants from disasters, from earthquakes to nuclear explosions. The bunker is very airtight and has an oxygen supply system – but according to Futurism, whether this type of tunnel is safe enough from the consequences of nuclear war is still unknown.

“If you’re not near the epicenter, the bunker can protect you for a while, and if it’s just a bomb, the resulting smoke and explosions won’t be so terrible,” Edwards said. “But if it’s a bigger disaster, the consequences will last longer and a bunker won’t be able to protect you.”