7 truths about time everyone needs to know to control it

Time can be longer, shorter, because it all depends on how you feel.

It is also not wrong to say that time is an unstable quantity, because reality shows that it depends a lot on our feelings . A minute can be as long as a century, but a year can go by as fast as a ” dog running in the field” – it’s all a feeling.

The way to control time is, in essence, to learn to control these feelings . And here are some facts about timing you must know, if you want to learn how to control them.

7 truths about time everyone needs to know to control it

The same amount of time can go by very quickly when you watch an interesting movie, or become hopeless and long if you are unfortunately in a bored mood.

The reason is because when we are depressed, we often focus only on ourselves, and most importantly, overthinking. This inadvertently causes the brain to receive and process a lot of information, thereby slowing down the perception of time.

That means if you want time to pass faster, find something fun to do and really focus on it.

7 truths about time everyone needs to know to control it

When you take the test, when you are told that there are only 10 minutes left of time, you will see how quickly 10 minutes go by. That is probably the most “blinking” 10 minutes of your life, not simple.

But assuming those 10 minutes are spent waiting, whether it’s a test result or… a pregnancy test, it’s the most painful time in the world, regardless of the results you expect.

This is because when you don’t know what will happen, you think too much. The brain will then pay attention to every small detail, and the time will therefore feel longer.

Besides, the simple feeling of waiting also makes the time become longer, especially if you feel frustrated and uncomfortable.

And conversely, when in a hurry, you also find the time a lot faster. That’s because you’ve been so focused on accomplishing your goals that you’ve completely ignored the concept of time.

7 truths about time everyone needs to know to control it

“5 more minutes” is probably a familiar saying to many of us every morning. How happy those five minutes were, but also how fast.

However, it is also 5 minutes of torture for students before leaving. Just have to sit and wait for the clock, waiting for each second to pass, until the drum beats, the bell rings.

The reason lies in a hallucinatory phenomenon, called “stop clock” , which occurs when we constantly look at the clock counting the seconds. Even though nothing happens during that time, our consciousness is interrupted. As a result, sometimes you will find that the clock is not running anymore, because your brain tells you so.

7 truths about time everyone needs to know to control it

2 hours of driving and 2 hours of driving are two completely different experiences for people with plane phobia.

But why? That’s because when you’re scared, or when you’re in danger, your brain immediately takes in a lot of information. It will sift through everything that can be used to help us survive, and this information will not disappear even when you calm down.

It will stay there, and make your brain believe that the time is as long as a century.

7 truths about time everyone needs to know to control it

The journey to a new place will feel much longer than returning home. The reason is also because the brain is receiving too much information.

The brain now needs time to organize and communicate to us in a more understandable way. The more information, the longer time feels. Finally, as the information becomes more familiar, things also become faster.

7 truths about time everyone needs to know to control it

Try looking at your work week to understand. In the blink of an eye, it’s Monday, blink again and see the 6th next to it? The way we do the same things and meet the same people every day shortens time.

Once you’re so familiar with something, your brain doesn’t take too long to process the information anymore, and you feel the time go by faster.

So if you want time to slow down, travel hard, absorb new experiences and new knowledge. That’s the way to buy time.

7 truths about time everyone needs to know to control it

When you were a child, your day was long and full of things to do. But for the elderly, each day that passes is like a week gone.

Why? Notice this, when you were a kid you could remember things clearly, but now sometimes you can’t remember what happened just a week ago. The reason is the same as what has just been mentioned above: your brain alone.

In short, you need to learn how to shorten or lengthen time according to your emotions.