The richest people in human history

Bill Gates is the only living modern person on this list but where does he place in the top?

Who is the richest man, John D. Rockefeller or Genghis Khan? A simple question, but not an easy one to answer. The ranking of the top 9 richest people of all time below is built on economic figures and historical influence. Let’s see who those 9 are.

The richest people in human history
Genghis Khan is the most “clean” leader in history.

Genghis Khan is known as the greatest military leader of all time. He brought political and economic stability to Eurasia in his territory, bringing a decade-long prosperity to the Mongol empire.

However, researchers have confirmed that Genghis Khan did not hoard any wealth for himself. Every time he captured a new land, he divided the spoils equally among the soldiers. Genghis Khan’s army was not like a modern army, in which selfish people were ruled out, thinking only of personal gain.

The distribution of the spoils captured equally among his thousands of soldiers made it very difficult for Genghis Khan to have much wealth. Genghis Khan did not have a large house, a magnificent mausoleum, even when he died, he was only buried as an ordinary person. But he is extremely rich in generosity, a quality not everyone has in his position.

The richest people in human history
Bill Gates is currently the richest man in the world.

Forbes magazine estimated the current net worth of Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, at .9 billion, billion more than Zara’s boss Amancio Ortega – the second richest man in the world. . (As of 2015).

The richest people in human history
Alan Rufus died with a fortune equivalent to 7% of England’s GDP in 1093.

Alan Rufus, nicknamed Alan the Red, was of royal lineage, the grandson of King William I, who participated in the Norman conquest.

Philip Beresford and Bill Rubinstein, the authors of The Richest of the Rich, estimate that Alan Rufus died with a fortune of £11,000, equivalent to 7% of Britain’s GDP in 1093. At the exchange rate in 2014, that asset amounted to 194 billion USD.

The richest people in human history
John D. Rockefeller was an oil tycoon with assets equivalent to 2% of the US economic output at that time.

John D. Rockefeller was an oil tycoon with a fortune of .5 billion in 1918, equivalent to 2% of the US economic output at that time. At the exchange rate in 2014, John owns the amount of 341 billion USD.

The richest people in human history
He is considered the richest American of all time.

“Iron King” Andrew Carnegie was rated by Time magazine as the richest American of all time.

In 1901, Carnegie sold US Stell to billionaire J.P. Morgan for 0 million. This amount alone was equivalent to 2.1% of US GDP at that time. That is about 372 billion USD at the 2014 exchange rate.

The richest people in human history
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin – (Photo: AFP).

The fact that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) is listed on this list is mainly measured on his head of an economically powerful Soviet Union.

Time cited data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) showing that in 1950, three years before Stalin’s death, the Soviet Union accounted for 9.5% of global economic output. That “asset” if it is calculated to be worth in 2014 will be about $ 7.5 trillion. Of course, this calculation has no official meaning and is controversial.

The richest people in human history
This is the greatest king of the Mughai dynasty of India.

This is the greatest king of the Mughal dynasty of India. Akbar I’s wealth is said to account for about a quarter of global economic output at the time.

The richest people in human history
During its heyday, the Song Dynasty contributed 25% to 35% of the total world economic output at that time.

Emperor Shen Tong of the Song Dynasty ruled the most powerful economic empire of all time. Professor Ronald A. Edwards, an economic historian who studies the Song dynasty at Tamkang University, said that during its heyday, the Song Dynasty contributed 25% to 35% of the world’s total economic output during that time. there.

The richest people in human history
This king’s wealth made the silver metal as worthless as stone.

King Solomon was not only famous for his wealth, but his wisdom extended beyond the land he ruled.

Each year, during his 39-year reign, King Solomon received 25 tons of gold tribute equivalent to more than 40 billion USD. This king’s wealth made silver as worthless as stone.

The richest people in human history
At one point, Augustus Caesar hoarded as much wealth as one-fifth of the empire’s economy.

The Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar not only possessed a powerful economy that accounted for 25%-30% of the world GDP at that time, but also had a considerable amount of personal wealth.

According to history professor Ian Morris of Stanford University, USA, at one point this king accumulated as much wealth as one-fifth of the empire’s economy. This amount of wealth if calculated in 2014 is equivalent to the amount of $ 4.6 trillion.

The richest people in human history
Mansa Musa is the richest man in human history.

Mansa Musa was the king of Timbuku, an ancient city in modern-day Mali, western Africa. He is considered the richest man in history, but no one can measure his fortune because all he has… gold!

According to history professor Richard Smith of Ferrum University, King Musa’s kingdom was likely the largest gold producer in the world at the time. So the extent of his wealth is immeasurable, indescribable.

“When no one can describe your wealth, you are very rich!” – Time magazine.