Located 70m underground, Iron Mountain is considered the non-renewable treasure of mankind.
About 500 of the wealthiest companies and businesses on the planet store data here. Many banks around the world deposit important backup information here. It contains 27 million original copies of the world’s most famous photographs.
Many original songs by famous singers of all time and a collection of 100 million priceless photos are also stored here…
We are talking about Iron Mountain – Humanity’s priceless data store , known as a huge treasure of the 21st century .
Born about 70 years ago, the Iron Mountain data storage center was built entirely deep underground, nearly 70m above the ground. Iron Mountain is extremely secure and safe from all terrorist attacks as well as the terrible devastation of atomic bombs!
Covering 81 hectares, the Iron Mountain data center is located deep in the mountains in Boyers, western Pennsylvania (USA), operated by the company of the same name in the US. Iron Mountain is like an underground city, where about 2,700 employees work.
A corridor inside the Iron Mountain center.
Iron Mountain is completely isolated from the rest of the world, because this underground city is self-sufficient with its own electrical systems, waste treatment plant and fire center.
Carrying the responsibility of protecting humanity’s huge and irreplaceable assets, Iron Mountain is guarded and designed to be extremely safe from the threats of earthquakes, fires, and terrorist attacks. and atomic bomb.
Data is protected inside Iron Mountain.
The Iron Mountain security system is set up in layers: From guards armed with AR-15 rifles at the gate to armed checkpoints, metal detectors, biometric door systems and systems Dense camera systems are present everywhere. In terms of security, Iron Mountain is only one level behind the White House and the Pentagon!
It is said that Iron Mountain has been completely unharmed for 5,000 years!
Iron Mountain is like a vast underground labyrinth, which contains more than 100 huge storage vaults with extremely thick steel doors as “shields” outside. To protect the permanence of data (including digital data, papers, documents, etc.), it must be “cooled” year round at a temperature of about 24 degrees Celsius by means of an underground lake system. large below the city, controlled by Room 48.
Room 48 (Room 48) is considered the headquarters of Iron Mountain. Very few people have access to this area, because for Iron Mountain it is an ideal feature test area for optimal data center energy use.
This room is only accessible for 6 months in a year. During the approach, a team of Iron Mountain experts will examine how to best utilize the center’s geothermal conditions.
There they also work on engineering designs that create the perfect storage conditions for electronic documents.
Iron Mountain says that, although not a data storage area, Room 48 serves as the ideal air conditioner to protect humanity’s non-renewable treasures.
Moreover, Room 48 provides natural cooling for the whole center and saves costs up to 1.7 million USD per year.
Inside the Room 48 area: