A fleet of abandoned ships appeared in the middle of the desert in Kazakhstan, surprising many people.
According to the Daily Star, researchers were surprised by this new discovery in the wilderness of Kazakhstan.
4 large ships captured by satellite, 450km away from the nearest sea. Experts do not understand why large ships are so deep inland.
George Kourounis, a Canadian explorer, said: ‘It’s hard to think what happened in those pictures. It was a vast desert, there was no water, and in the middle of the desert was a fleet of rusty ships.”
Abandoned ship in the middle of the desert in Kazakhstan.
The Aral Sea is also located hundreds of kilometers away. “Those are big ships, not a few boats,” says biologist Roland Kays.
Explorer Nick Middleton said: ‘They are clearly large ships used to go to deep water, but they are located in the middle of the desert hundreds of kilometers from the sea.
These ghost ships are located hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest sea.
Compared with Cold War photographs, the scientists found that the area was once a large sea, but has completely dried up.
For decades, it was thought that “these ships were gone and now they are out in the desert.”
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