Tips to proactively respond to a big storm

Here is a summary of tips to help you have experience in preventing, fighting and preparing when storms and floods come, invite you to consult.

Of course, the prediction is part, wanting to know where the storm will land and which provinces it will pass through, then we can come up with the most effective plan. To do this, it’s very simple, just listen to the weather news on TV, on the radio or on the internet.

Tips to proactively respond to a big storm
Satellite image of a storm.

In case your locality is not in the center of the storm, you can breathe a sigh of relief. However, where you live may still be affected by storms such as heavy rain and strong winds. Therefore, during the time of the storm , you should not leave the house to avoid falling trees, wires or other objects falling on you. And when at home, please take the time to turn off all electrical appliances, unplug the antenna from the TV because lightning can cause fire and explosion at any time. Those who live in flooded areas, please move electronic devices on the 1st floor to a high area or upstairs, and disconnect the breaker below to avoid electric shock, they can be life-threatening. for you and your family members.

Use large pieces of wood to cover glass doors, iron doors (remember to block the outside, but the inside doesn’t work) . That way the doors won’t be damaged by the wind. For houses with corrugated iron and tile roofs, take a sandbag weighing about 20kg to block it (to avoid flying the roof), each bag is 0.5 meters apart. Or more firmly, use a cable to wrap around the corrugated iron roof and anchor the stake deep into the ground (there should be 1 cable every 2 meters).

Tips to proactively respond to a big storm
Place sandbags on the roof to avoid tipping the roof.

Tips to proactively respond to a big storm
Using cables is also an effective storm protection solution. (Solution of anti-storm house – Hotel: Nguyen Thanh Tuan Kiet).

Once the house has been solidly reinforced, each house should store enough food for the whole family within 1 month if it is located in a flood area or returns home. Instant noodles are the easiest food to store and keep for the longest time without preservation in this situation. Besides, keep fresh water as much as possible. Pots, buckets, large water tanks, … all that can be used to store clean water. In addition, it is also necessary to prepare medicine because after the storm many flooded areas are easy to cause disease.

The warehouses are shackled, no one is living, it is best to open the doors, perhaps not to be swept away by the wind when the storm comes because our ancestors have a saying: “Money in a house is as difficult as the wind in an empty house”.

During the storm, of course, people should not leave the house because it is very dangerous. At the same time, turn off all electrical equipment as instructed above.

Tips to proactively respond to a big storm
After the storm, the road is heavily flooded, so you should not drive through.

– If the water is too flooded, it is recommended not to go.

– In case you must pass, ride in 1st gear, or at most 2nd gear.

– Do not reduce gas when traveling in flooded areas. If you encounter an obstacle, use the brake, not the accelerator.

– In case the engine is turned off halfway, do not try to start the engine again, but take it out to the flooded area.

– In case the car is stalled, but it can’t be fixed, the following solutions can be found:

– In case the car is stalled, but it can’t be fixed, the following solutions can be found:

Tips to proactively respond to a big storm

Unscrew this screw so that the water in the carburetor is completely drained (on the left side of most cars). When you smell gasoline, the carburetor is out of water. Then tighten it as before.

We hope you and your family respond to the storm proactively and promptly!