7 secret houses of world secret societies

According to modern legend, the intellectuals of the American or European elite often had meetings in many secret houses.

Conspiracy theories claim that the secret societies are extremely powerful and are controlling the world, and inside the houses, many secret rituals take place.

Here are the rumor houses that members of the above groups have never denied or confirmed, despite many eyewitness accounts of their meetings.

7 secret houses of world secret societies

Yale University is in the Ivy League, a group of top universities in the US, even the world. The house above is located in the Yale University lecture hall in New Haven, the meeting place of the Skull and Bones association (Skull and Bones) are the most outstanding students.

Information about Lux et Veritas is very limited. Only know the association has the oldest history in the United States, founded in 1832. Skull and Bones members all have important roles in society, from businessmen who own large companies, state officials, Supreme Court judges up to the President of the United States. Rumor has it that Skull and Bones controls the CIA, which is an offshoot of the Illuminati and has an important role in restoring the new world order.

It is unclear what happened inside the Skull and Bones building. According to many people, it kept secret documents, ritual records, the skull of the Indian leader Geronimo or President Martin van Buren.

7 secret houses of world secret societies

In November 1954, officials from 11 European countries and 11 US and CIA representatives stayed at the Bilderberg Hotel for 3 days for discussions. From then on, these delegates met once a year. It is not clear what the schedule and topic of discussion will be, but many people believe that with the composition of powerful people, the Bilderberg Club must be ambitious to create a global government with its own economy.

7 secret houses of world secret societies

Scientology, a sect made famous by actors like Tom Cruise and John Travolta, has churches and institutions all over the United States. This cult is considered heretical because of the rather strange idea that humans are originally souls traveling to earth from another planet. Among the facilities based in Trementina is the most special because it is built according to the Scientology logo with many tracks and tunnels running underground. Cult members believe that this is the place where Cardinal Hubbard will return when reincarnated.

7 secret houses of world secret societies

Born in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany, the Illuminati are a group of intellectuals and anthropologists who opposed religion, prejudice and glorified women’s roles, but dissolved after a few decades. Despite this, there are still many conspiracy theories that the Illuminati are still planning to take over the world and meet regularly at secret meeting places like Disneyland in Orlando to the Mormon temple at Salk Lake, the Statue of Liberty, The Eiffel Tower, the Pentagon and most especially the Vatican.

The reason for this rumor is that the Illuminati is known to be anti-religious, but has the Pope as its leader, and the Domus Sanctae Marthae is the Pope’s residence.

7 secret houses of world secret societies

The Order of the Temple of the East operated in 1895-1906 with a model that imitated Freemasonry. However, founder Aleister Crowley added theories about spirituality, metaphysics, and magic. Most believe that OTO also performs summoning of demons and angels, and practices moving objects.

7 secret houses of world secret societies

Many people assume that the Priory of Sion exists, but academia denies that, claiming that the secret society is just a product of the imagination.

The Priory of Sion in the legend is the group that protects the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdelene who came to settle in France. In 1970, a leaked document indicated that the Priory of Sion was located in France, along with many articles, maps, letters and leaders of the society, including Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo and Leonardo da Vinci. However, these documents turned out to be the work of a man named Pierre Plantard.

7 secret houses of world secret societies

Many documents from the 17th century mention the existence of the Temple of the Red Cross, studying mystical phenomena and alchemy. In it, the book Fama Fraternitatis tells that Christian Rosenkreuz, a German doctor from the 15th century, traveled to the Middle East to learn extensive knowledge about nature and the universe. When he returned, he tried to share these knowledge but was denied and founded a holy order.

The date of birth and death of the above doctor is unknown, only knowing that he lived to be about 106 years old. Cults similar to Rosenkreuz’s require members to be able to use their brains more than usual. Particularly for the Temple of the Red Cross, members take the oath of celibacy, treat the sick for free and find successors. In addition, they also have a belief in the end of the world.

It is not clear if there are any more descendants of this holy order now, but several groups such as the Ancient Mystical Order Rosea Crucis (AMORC) claiming to be involved reveal that Rosicrucianism was acquainted with Crowley, the founder of the OTO temple. AMORC also claims to have a history dating back to King Thutmose III’s reign in ancient Egypt.