6 simple habits that are great memory exercises

You walk out of the room, close the door, come downstairs and put on your shoes, and then you realize you’ve forgotten your phone – the inseparable object in the room.

Is the story above familiar? In fact, more or less, each of us will sometimes become distracted and forget many things in life. This forgetting can be small, but sometimes it has more serious consequences than you think, and at the same time, it also drains your spirit every day.

The way to deal with this story is to get in the habit of writing down what needs to be done. But besides that, you can choose to train your brain, sharpen your memory to be sharper. And to do this is not difficult: just practice the following habits.

6 simple habits that are great memory exercises

We all have a dominant hand, and most actions are done through it. But try to change it. For example, you brush your teeth with your right hand, will you alternately switch to your left hand? Or when washing dishes, instead of using your dominant hand, hold the rag with your non-dominant hand.

The reason is because using the non-dominant hand is a way to force the brain and nervous system to work harder, thereby enhancing the memory capacity in the brain.

6 simple habits that are great memory exercises

When reading books out loud, hearing will have to receive those sounds and automatically help those information save into the brain. You can also switch to audiobooks – for the same effect.

6 simple habits that are great memory exercises

One thing we do every day, turns out to be a way to help the brain remember better. Using chopsticks requires the nerves in the fingers to work, and this improves brain circulation.

6 simple habits that are great memory exercises

A study by a psychologist in the US has shown that squeezing hands for 90 seconds will support the process of memories being formed. Not to mention when you need to remember, this move is also very effective.

This is not just advice. In an experiment on 50 people, those who performed this movement also had better memory abilities than usual.

6 simple habits that are great memory exercises

Of course, this practice does not always apply. But if the weather outside is really nice, then instead of sitting in the air conditioner, open the windows and enjoy them.

Your brain will then receive the signals between the sound, the image and the scent, and thereby improve the function easily.

6 simple habits that are great memory exercises

This is a rather complicated exercise, but once you get used to it, it’s surprisingly effective. When you meet anyone, try to remember their 4 most distinctive features: hair color, shoes, scent, smile…

The reason for this exercise is that we often never pay attention to our surroundings, or more precisely, we don’t observe enough. Normally when we observe, we often stop as soon as we get to the point where the brain is about to memorize and save. So if you practice this habit, it will be difficult for you to forget anything in life.