6 potentially explosive objects right next to us

Although small items, they are really “slow-explosion bombs”, causing damage to your life.

At about 3:30 pm this afternoon (March 19), a large explosion suddenly occurred in a low-rise building in Van Phu Urban Area (Ha Dong, Hanoi), causing many casualties. Many people believe that the terrible explosion emitted 4-5km away is still heard.

Many witnesses said that this was a gas explosion, or an oxygen tank … so it had such a terrifying destructive power.

Although authorities are still trying to figure out what caused the explosion, it is a fact that there are quite a few “slow-explosion bombs” around us that you need to know to avoid.

6 potentially explosive objects right next to us
Gas cylinders are one of the leading causes of large explosions.

Gas stove is considered a common item in the kitchen of many families. However, it is believed to be one of the leading causes of large explosions.

It should be known that gas cylinder explosions are mainly caused by gas leaks. The gas itself cannot cause an explosion.

6 potentially explosive objects right next to us
Gas cylinder explosions are mainly caused by gas leaks.

The principle of explosion is because the gas combines with oxygen in the air to form a flammable mixture and only needs to be at a suitable high temperature or sparks are emitted when the light switch, fan, phone, high shoes are turned on. If the heel has metal in contact with the floor… it is very easy to cause a big explosion.

6 potentially explosive objects right next to us
Lighters are a potential source of explosion that few people notice.

Lighters are familiar items to many men, but they are a potential source of explosion that few people notice.

Specifically, in a gas lighter containing a certain amount of gas, when the gas in the lighter leaks (due to cracking of the plastic shell, opening the valve …) to the surrounding environment (with oxygen gas), encountering the thermal environment High enough temperature or sparks (even very small) can cause fire and explosion, causing harm to users.

Phone charger, backup battery is an electrically charged device used to provide power for your phone’s main battery.

6 potentially explosive objects right next to us
Many airlines ban batteries and power banks in checked baggage to avoid the risk of fire and explosion. (Illustration).

The general structure of energy batteries, specifically here is a Lithium-ion battery cell which is composed of many plates with opposite charges stacked on top of each other and separated by insulating layers.

But because the two opposite electrodes are only separated by a thin insulating sheet, in special cases, these plates are damaged and the charge is conducted directly through the opposite poles, the whole battery will heat up. rapidly and explosively.

Because of that, many airlines have banned carrying batteries and backup chargers in checked baggage to prevent the risk of fire and explosion.

It sounds a bit strange, but this is actually a ticking time bomb in your house. It should be known that the structure of the household refrigerator includes the indoor unit, outdoor unit, gas tank, compressor, pipes … in which the gas tank has the function of pumping gas to the indoor unit for the cooling process.

6 potentially explosive objects right next to us
The risk of refrigerator explosion is common in old cabinets or due to repair, soldering, or gas replacement many times .

The compressor helps the gas to circulate in the refrigerator; When the refrigerator is in operation, the compressor will convert gas from gas to liquid form and circulate gas to cool the whole machine.

The risk of refrigerator explosion is often found in cabinets that are too old or due to welding repair or gas replacement many times, so there is dirt that causes the capillary tube to be connected from the condenser to the evaporator, reducing the cooling capacity, leading to high pressure. System capacity is too high, flammable.

In addition, there are also cases when the voltage increases suddenly, the compressor continuously puts gas into the outdoor unit, increasing the pressure of the gas, leading to fire and explosion.

6 potentially explosive objects right next to us
In perfumes, alcohol contains alcohol – this is a more volatile, flammable ingredient.

Perfume is an explosive material? Many of you will feel silly, but the truth is this is a time bomb when you leave them in the car or in a place with high temperatures.

In perfumes , alcohol contains alcohol – this is a more volatile, flammable ingredient. If by chance a perfume bottle with a convex lens is placed in a car and is hit by the sun, it will produce a focal point that will ignite the alcohol inside, easily causing a serious explosion.

We know that the mini fire extinguisher is the “guardian god” , an indispensable item in every car. But if not stored properly, they can completely backfire and become a “slow-explosion bomb” that endangers your life at any time.

Mini fire extinguishers are usually in the form of powder – a fire extinguisher inside containing N 2 gas as a propellant to spray powder to extinguish the fire.

6 potentially explosive objects right next to us
Fire extinguishers should be stored in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding 55 degrees Celsius.

However, all types of fire extinguishers must be stored in cool conditions, avoid being near high temperature or outdoors, the appropriate temperature is from -10 degrees Celsius to 55 degrees Celsius.

If it is too hot, such as directly absorbing heat from the Sun, it can increase the volume of the tank, the liquid inside the tank increases. When the pressure is high enough, it will cause an extremely dangerous explosion.