5 false rumors about microwave ovens

Microwaves give you cancer, change your DNA, or cook or reheat food in a microwave is very dangerous… If these rumors are true, perhaps modern appliances should be boycotted. This.

But according to the article published in Cnet magazine translated below, these rumors are completely unfounded.

Fact: This rumor comes from an email that has been circulating for years. Microwave ovens work by using radio frequency (RF) radiation . This type of radiation is around you day and night, whether you use a microwave or not. According to the American Cancer Society, the RF radiation produced by microwaves is more concentrated, but even so, it’s safe within limits, as long as it’s used correctly and doesn’t pose a threat.

Reality: Over the years, this rumor circulated in various forms on the internet. Some people believe that microwaves cause food to be contaminated with radiation, while others believe that the chemicals in heated dishes will seep into the food.

5 false rumors about microwave ovens
Cooking and reheating food in the microwave does not cause food to be contaminated with radiation.

Cooking and reheating food in the microwave does not cause food to be contaminated with radiation. Microwaves do not cause radiation, they are just electromagnetic waves, so they cannot cause food to be contaminated. Microwaves only use RF radiation to penetrate food and cause water molecules and other electrically asymmetric molecules to vibrate, thereby heating the food.

However, there is still the possibility that cooking food in the microwave can introduce dangerous chemicals into the food, but as long as you use lead-free, microwave-safe containers. , BPA or phthalates, you can rest assured. Although many people claim that plastic is dangerous, containers made of these chemicals are not very common.

Fact: This warning spread on healthy eating groups online is not entirely false, but misleading. Nutrients are destroyed when overheated, not just when used in the microwave. Cooking food in water or other liquids can also cause nutrients in the food to be lost. According to research from Harvard University, because microwave cooking is fast and uses very little liquid, it preserves nutrients better than other cooking methods such as boiling or steaming.

Reality: you can see this warning somewhere on social media, including an image of a science experiment by a young schoolgirl. This experiment is said to demonstrate that using a microwave to heat water changes the composition of a cup of water. “I have known for many years that the microwave is not as radioactive as people used to think, but the problem is that it destroys the DNA in the food and the human body can’t recognize it,” the tape stated.

Is it true that microwaves change DNA? No . Because water itself has no DNA , although it may contain the DNA of the organisms that live in it. Back to the point, as mentioned, using the microwave does not cause the molecules in the food to vibrate, it does not change the structure of the molecules.

Therefore, do not let unfounded rumors affect your life.

5 false rumors about microwave ovens
Is it true that microwaves change DNA? Are not. Because water itself has no DNA.

A recent BBC investigation into the medical program Trust Me, I’m a Doctor made a splash after showing that pasta – cooked, cooled, then reheated in microwave – reduced the participants’ post-meal rise in blood glucose by up to 50%. According to the researchers, that’s because cooled and reheated pasta acts as a resistant starch, preventing the intestines from breaking down carbs and absorbing sugar into the body.

However, don’t get too excited. It was a small study – it included only 9 volunteers, so Dr David Katz recommends substituting pasta for whole grains to get the many health benefits (due to fiber content). high in whole grains, when consumed does not cause blood sugar to spike as quickly as it does for refined pasta).

“What’s certain is, whole-wheat pasta has a lower glycemic effect than refined pasta, whether or not it’s reheated in the microwave,” he concludes.

Despite her perils and research, Magda Havas, University of Trents still owns a microwave for quick and energy efficient dinners.

But she uses it in a very special way.

“This is a personal choice, I wouldn’t tell anyone not to use the microwave because I understand how useful it is.”

“If in use, get out of the kitchen. Don’t stand behind the wall, really go out. Waves go through walls, so you’re still at risk.”

“Do not use the microwave when there are children in the house. I never let my grandchildren play nearby.” Professor Havas shared.

How do I know if my microwave has a radiation leak?

You need to have:

You need to do:

If the phone rings, the line that the microwave uses to make the connection can pass through the protective metal mesh.