13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards

The beard length of members of the US Navy is not allowed to exceed 12mm, and the police in one state in India receive a subsidy if they grow a mustache.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
Movember is an acronym for November (November) and Mustaches (mustache). It is said that Movember is meant to encourage men to grow beards to increase awareness of men’s health in the community. According to statistics, more than 4 million people around the world have signed up to join the Movember Foundation charity and donated £345 million (more than VND 11.7 billion). The UK Institute for Prostate and Cancer Research is the main sponsor of the programme. Scientists say a man’s face has between 10,000 and 20,000 hairs and an average of 600 mustaches.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
On average a month the mustache is capable of holding 30 ml of liquid or 10% of a beer before the liquid runs down the face. Many say that this ability saves men from having to worry about beer spills when they take too large a sip.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
According to many studies, great scientists often owned mustaches for more than 50 years.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
Archaeologists first discovered a picture of a mustache in 300 BC. It depicts an Iranian engineer with a bold, black mustache playing an ancient sport.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
In 1967, the legendary group The Beatles grew a beard to make the album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
The mustache of Burt Reynolds, the legendary Hollywood star, has reached nearly 4,000 views on the social network Facebook.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
The average man touches his mustache about 760 times a day.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
It is illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in Eureka, Nevada, USA.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
The beard length of members of the US Navy is not allowed to exceed 12 mm.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
Singh Chauhan, an Indian citizen, is the man with the longest beard in the world with a length of nearly 4.3 m. He often incubated his beard in mustard and coconut oil to keep it healthy.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
The Indian government pays policemen in the Madhya Pradesh district to grow mustaches to show respect to their superiors.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
Men spend 5 months shaving:
Many men have to shave almost every day. According to the researchers’ calculations, if a man begins the habit of shaving at the age of 14, by the time he dies, they spend an average of about 5 months shaving.

13 interesting facts about mustaches and beards
Mustaches grow faster than we think:
On average, our hair grows at a rate of 0.35 mm/day, which is nearly 13cm to more than 15cm/year. Men’s mustaches also grow at this rate, according to Reader’s Digest. Mustaches grow faster than any other body hair. They especially grow faster in spring and summer than in autumn and winter.