The ultimate base for the study and development of chemical warfare agents

The goal was to create for the U.S. government the ultimate base for the study and development of chemical warfare agents

Area 51 The Revealing Truth of Ufos, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups & Conspiracies

In a thread at the Above Top Secret website, one commentator said that they had heard “stories about installations being built to the South of Wendover, Nevada, which is West of Dugway and also very, very remote. There are stories of a 17-storey building underground out there.” Others speak of deep and massive tunnels that link the Dugway Proving Ground to a variety of Utah-based military facilities. Former employees talk about huge elevators that transport people to lower levels of the base; the rumors are that no fewer than eight levels exist below the surface area, all engaged in highly classified work and all having the ability to withstand a nuclear strike, even a direct one.

Now let’s take a trip down under.

Christi Verismo says in her book The Universal Seduction: “According to an article found on the internet’s Fortune City, some time in the 1960s, the United States Government entered into secret talks with the Australian Government on the topic of constructing a Satellite Relay Station somewhere in Australia’s inland. USGS (United States Geological Survey) began to study geological maps and surveys of Australia. In either 1964 or 1965, central Australia was selected as the region to construct the facility. A request was made to the Australian Government to provide suggested locations to construct the facility. The proposed site offered to the United States was a 25 acre piece of land owned by the Australian Air Force with the option of expanding the land holdings. The site, located only 7 kilometers from the town center of Alice Springs, was inspected by U.S. Government, but found unsuitable.

The U.S. Government then decided on the Alice Springs environment as the site for the future facility. Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, employs nearly 1,000 people, mainly from the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Originally code-named MERINO, it is the ground station for a satellite network that intercepts telephone, radio, data links, and other communications around the world. The facility currently includes a dozen radomes, a 5,600 square meter computer room, and 20-odd service and support buildings.” Like so many top-secret installations around the world, Pine Gap, too, is home to a network of underground tunnels and facilities. William Ross, in an article titled “What Lies Below Pine Gap, Australia?” says: “The facility bores 28,000 feet deep or 5.3 miles into the ground where a massive underground antenna array is positioned to create gigantic standing wave fields around the entire planet and to play havoc with the inner earth.”

He continues: “From Pine Gap there is a 1400 mile long tunnel to North West Cape Submarine Station where Submarines can travel deep in the interior of Australia in Pine Gap to refuel. The Pine Gap base has 9 underground levels and an escape tunnel for workers. The base is designed to survive three nuclear weapons strikes making it the number one target in Australia which it will be when the time is ripe. The base also houses a Nuclear weapons construction factory and also has nuclear missile strike capabilities.”

What all of the above tells us is that massive, extensive, underground facilities exist all across the planet—from China to Russia and from the United States to Australia. Each and every one of them falls under the control of the likes of the military, the intelligence communities, and the governments of the respective nations. More importantly, these same underground installations are overseen by some of the most powerful figures in officialdom.

While they most assuredly don’t want to have to fight a nuclear war, if the unthinkable really does happen, they will most definitely have the perfect places to hide out in and survive the radioactive nightmare that will undoubtedly ravage the vast majority of the world above. With the human population all but wiped out, when the leading elite finally resurface—and after the radiation levels are no longer of fatal levels—we just might see the irradiated, sick, and starving survivors pleading with the new government to help them. If that day comes, complete control will have been firmly achieved. With that in mind, let us hope that a crazed faction of the elite does not decide to deliberately initiate a nuclear war as a means to try to create the very scenario outlined above.

The fact that we do live in such fraught and dangerous times right now makes it all the more logical that—with more and more talk about nuclear attacks and a Third World War looming ominously on the horizon—agencies of the government would be taking quick and decisive steps to clandestinely move their most important secrets way below the surface of the planet.

In the case of Area 51, such plans may have been put into place not just years ago but decades ago, even. After all, it would be foolish to think that the Russians don’t have several nukes (maybe more) ready and primed to target Area 51 and take it out in the event of a global nuclear war. To survive such a strike by Russian nuclear weapons, any theoretical underground facility at Area 51 would have to be buried to a mind-boggling depth, but that doesn’t mean that the technology to create such subterranean realms doesn’t exist. Like most things relative to Area 51, nearly all of us are in the dark when it comes to the matter of the base’s mysterious underground.