The UFO report: A British Perspective 1988 – RAF Rudloe Manor

Reports of Unidentified Flying Object: A British Perspective 1988 – RAF Rudloe Manor

As long ago as 1979 our organization knew the precise location of a base, located discreetly in the beautiful Wilt­ shire countryside, that had some real connection with UFO research. We knew from our source that the British Anned Forces, in co-operation with the National Security Agency, were heavily involved in something that they wished to keep secret.
This base was RAF Rudloe Manor, and without Timo­ thy’s active research, combined with information supplied by a source known only to him, and our own co-operation in revealing what we knew at the time, this base would still be operating covertly.

Several communications had been made between DI55 and Rudloe Manor, all connected with UFO sighting re­ ports. And in Above Top Secret, Timothy reveals that the Flying Complaints Flight, now based at Rudloe Manor, incorporates a UFO investigation unit, staffed by person­nel of the Provost & Security Services.

The Ministry of Defense denies that Rudloe Manor is involved in UFO investigations, however. According to them, one civil servant alone is employed full time at Whitehall, who amongst other duties studies UFO reports.

Yet the MoD confirmed to Timothy that DI55 was also involved in investigations. It is therefore untrue to state that only one civil servant is actively engaged in investi­gating and disseminating the bulk of UFO reports that are dispatched via Whitehall . We believe that task is too great for one individual, and are convinced we have merely scratched at the surface of our government’s real interest in the phenomenon.

White other British groups involved in the UFO subject choose to research mundane reports, delve over past en­counters stretching back for decades, dabble in the psychic and bizarre, our organization chose to adopt the current American UFO researchers’ attitude; namely, believe your government is withholding UFO data, and strive to get at the real truth surrounding what can only be described as a cover-up of enormous proportions.