Steps to the Stars: THE THREE GIANTS

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – THE THREE GIANTS

The witness in the following case, identified as ‘Rose C.’, was 24 years old at the time of her initial encounter, which occurred on 11 April 1952, near the French town of Nimes (Gard). Living with her father at the time in one of his small outhouses, Rose was awoken in the middle of the night by the growling of their dogs. Concerned, she went outside.

Rose found herself in the presence of four strangers: three very tall men of about 2.30 to 2.40 metres in height and one normal-sized man.
The normal man, speaking in perfect French and acting as translator between Rose and the three ‘giants’, began by explaining that they had come from a faraway world. Apart from their extraordinary height, the giants could have passed for Hindus, claimed Rose. Two looked very athletic while the third, who acted as ‘leader’, seemed to be rather older.

This man had what looked like a ‘black half-marble’ in the centre of his forehead, and around his neck he wore a strap holding a kind of box with buttons. Rose was shown their craft, which was hovering about a metre off the ground. It was enormous, slate-grey and shaped like a straw hat. She declined an invitation to go with them, explaining that she had an elderly father and a young daughter to look after.

The normal man, a former teacher, said that he himself had been contacted by these beings 20 years earlier (1932), at the age of 25, and, having no ties, had accepted an invitation to live with them. When Rose commented on his youthful appearance, he replied that ‘up there time passes much less quickly’. After explaining to Rose that she had nothing to fear, he went on to ask if they could take some books away with them! Obligingly, Rose took the visitors to her father’s other outhouse and gave them a copy of Alexandre Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo and some old magazines.

While in the outhouse, the leader gave Rose a demonstration of their ability to levitate and teleport objects. Using the buttons on the small box, he dematerialized a rock, which then reappeared outside without the door having been opened. Furthermore, large rocks, lying at some distance away from the outhouse, were made to float in the air like balloons. It was not just the technological tricks that impressed Rose. The leader also evinced telepathic ability, connected perhaps, she wondered, with the device on his forehead. He seemed also to emanate great wisdom.

The teacher explained to Rose that the extraterrestrials had ‘established’ Earth for the use of its human inhabitants: this had been rather like a ‘penal colony’, consisting of banished individuals, from whom humans are descended. He went on to say that 11,357 years ago (9405 BC), because of Man, there had been a cataclysm on Earth. (Many other contactees have been told that Earthmen destroyed their civilization thousands of years ago.)

As to the purpose of their current visits, it was explained that the extraterrestrials were here to take vegetation and soil samples to evaluate the consequences of our atomic explosions. The destructive, senseless behaviour of humans, and disregard not only for our contemporaries but also for future generations on this beautiful planet, was commented on. Asked by Rose why the extraterrestrials did not intervene, the teacher replied that no good had ever come out of such attempts in the past.

The visitors then told Rose that they had to go, owing to the fact that time spent on Earth exhausted the giants. Having warned Rose to stay clear of the craft and to hold the dogs, they boarded their craft and it took off, making a droning sound and creating a strong draught of warm wind.

There is a great deal more to this fascinating story, which was investigated by Charles Gourain and published in France. Gourain was impressed by Rose’s sincerity, as was Guy Tarade, who wrote the preface to the book. have known Rose for several years, and I don’t hesitate to say that hers is a unique case,’ he states, adding that, in his opinion, extraterrestrial encounters never seem to be accidental but are always predetermined. ‘It is,’ he says, ‘a genetic inheritance which motivates the encounters between the extraterrestrials and us . . .