From the Benign to the Bristly: VENEZUELA

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: VENEZUELA

The most dramatic encounters with hairy dwarfs in 1954 were reported from Venezuela. At 02.00 on 28 November, Gustavo Gonzalez and Jose Ponce were driving in a panel truck in the suburbs of Caracas when they encountered a luminous sphere, eight to ten feet in diameter, which hovered about six feet above the road, blocking their passage. The men got out of their truck to investigate and a dwarf-like creature came towards them.

With the intention of taking it to a nearby police station (!), Gonzalez grabbed the dwarf, whereupon he noticed that it was incredibly light (about 35 pounds), extremely hard, and covered with stiff, bristly hair. It gave Gonzalez a push, throwing him for about 15 feet. As two other entities emerged from bushes carrying chunks of dirt or rock, and entered the sphere, Ponce ran to the police station. Meanwhile, the creature who had pushed Gonzalez headed towards him once again, with eyes glowing and claws extended. Panicking, Gonzalez took out his knife and stabbed its shoulder.

The knife glanced off as though it had struck steel. Then another hairy dwarf emerged from the sphere and beamed a ray of light at Gonzalez from a hand-held tube, blinding him momentarily. Finally, the creatures climbed into the sphere and rapidly took off.
Gonzalez staggered to the police station, where he joined Ponce. The police initially thought the two men were drunk, but examination proved otherwise.

Gonzalez suffered a long red scratch on his side, where the creature had clawed him. Both men were given sedatives. On the night of 10 December, two youths, Lorenzo Flores and Jesus Gómez, who had been rabbit hunting near the Trans-Andean Highway between Chico and Cerro de las Tres Torres, encountered a bright object some distance off the highway which at first they took to be a car. As they approached, however, it appeared like two huge washbowls placed one on top of the other, hovering a few feet above the ground.

The object was about nine feet in diameter, with ‘fire’ emitting from the bottom. Flores described what followed: Then we saw four little men coming out of it. They were approximately three feet tall. When they realized we were there the four of them got Jesás and tried to drag him toward the thing. I could do nothing but take my shotgun, which was unloaded, and strike at one of them. The gun seemed to have struck rock or something harder, as it broke into two pieces.

We could see no [facial] details, as it was dark, but what we did notice was the abundant hair on their bodies and their great strength.
Gómez, who apparently had become unconscious during the episode, was unable to recall much. Neither of the youths saw the object leave, for as soon as Gómez regained consciousness they both ran to the highway and stopped a car. Seeing their scratches and bruises, and shirts torn to shreds, the driver rushed them to the nearest police station. Police investigators, doctors and psychiatrists found the youths to be ‘sane and responsible’.

On 16 December, Jesus Paz and two friends were returning from dining in San Carlos, when Paz asked the driver to stop while he went into the bushes to relieve himself. Suddenly a piercing scream was heard by the men in the car.

Rushing into the bushes, they found Paz lying unconscious. A short distance away, a small hairy man was running towards a flat, shiny object hovering just above the ground. One of the men, Luis Mejia, a member of the National Guard, reached for his gun, but realizing that he had left it at the barracks he picked up a stone and threw it at the object — to no avail. The craft took off with a ‘deafening buzzing sound’.

In a state of shock, Paz was rushed to the San Carlos hospital, where he was found to have several long, deep scratches on one side and along his spine, ‘as if he had been clawed by a wild animal’.

On that same day, President Dwight Eisenhower was quoted as having stated at a press conference that a trusted Air Force official had told him that the notion that flying saucers came ‘from any outside planet or any other place’ was ‘completely inaccurate’.

One of the doctors who had examined Flores and Gómez (described in the second report) admitted later that he had actually witnessed the incident in the suburbs of Caracas on 28 November. Out on a night call at the time, he had been in the same street where Gonzalez and Ponce had stopped their truck. He stayed only long enough to see what happened, he said, but then left, concerned about undesirable publicity. In an official statement prepared for the Venezuelan authorities, the doctor confirmed the incident, though he stipulated that his name should not be associated with the story. Following the statement, the doctor was invited to Washington, DC, to discuss the matter with ‘American authorities’.

President Eisenhower’s statement notwithstanding, some officials took the subject seriously.