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Familiar Elements That Precede and/or Follow Alien Abduction
- Personal sighting of a UFO
- Sudden desire to travel
- A newly developed interest in extraterrestrial civilizations
- A newly developed interest in UFOs and interstellar travel
- Sudden psychic ability
- Out-of-body experiences
- A sense that deep relationships with other people are distractions from something more important
- Hypervigilant behavior, such as moving the bed to one wall and taking care to lock all doors and windows
- Mild paranoia, particularly a feeling of being watched
- Insomnia
- Sudden illness, particularly headaches, sinus trouble, and rashes
- Long-standing tendency to nosebleeds, or recent nighttime episodes of nosebleeds
- Tapping, mechanical humming, and other unexplained, bothersome noises, particularly at bedtime and during the night
- Dreams of flying
- Dreams of flying or floating in bright light
- Dreams of long and significant travel
- Dreams of medical procedures performed by doctors or dentists
- Sleepwalking
- Aversion to medical procedures
- Sleep paralysis, or awakening to find oneself immobile and unable to move
- Disassociation; sense of a lost connection to one’s home or forebears
- A conviction that your true origins are somewhere other than Earth
- A conviction that you are essentially different from other people
- Connectedness to the stars; a sense that fundamental information awaits you in the cosmos
- Sense of selection to undertake an important mission
- Unanticipated meetings with oddly attired or otherwise mysterious strangers
- Frequent car trouble
- General apprehension