Contrasting Encounters – PHYSIOGNOMY AND ORIGIN

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: PHYSIOGNOMY AND ORIGIN

His hair was very short and light brown in colour, looking almost like fur. He had beautiful eyes, wider apart than ours, slightly oblique, like a cat’s, the whites being light hazel, the irises a greenish blue, and pupils that contracted continually (when they dilated they were round, and when they contracted they were oval, like a cat’s). The nose was very small, also like a cat’s.

His lips were small and very tight, reminding me somewhat of Greta Garbo, and when he smiled he showed his teeth, which were very white and regular. His skin was light olive and as smooth as rubber; when he turned his head (he could turn it right round), there were no creases on his neck.

He had very wide shoulders and narrow hips. His arms and legs were the first parts of him to hold my attention because they were a bit different from ours: from the hip to the knee they were much longer than below the knee, and the ankle seemed to me to be articulated like that of a horse. The arms, too, were very long — the upper part much longer than the lower — but I was unable to see the hands very well because he was wearing gloves, although he appeared to have very long fingers.

I asked him in Italian where he came from, and no sooner had I framed my question than the answer was already in my mind, as if I had always known it.

The planet he came from was very far from our galaxy and about 10 times the size of ours, with two suns, one big, the other small. Their day is longer than ours and one third less light, while their night is very short. Their vegetation is quite similar to ours, but they have enormous trees and very high mountains. They have two frozen poles as we have, stony deserts, and animals similar to ours, though with some differences in structure and size.

I thought of asking him how they live and on what, and immediately I received my answer: he moved his mouth a little, but I did not hear his voice. The answer appeared in my mind — I suppose, by mental telepathy. He told me they do not work; everything is automatic, they are all equal and everybody has what he wants. There are creatures like apes, which do menial jobs such as cultivating fruit and vegetables, harvesting, and so on . . . He explained that they don’t need their teeth as much as we do, as they don’t eat meat, adding that, compared with them, we are like animals. They nourish themselves on fruit, cereals and seeds, and have, in addition, apparatuses that generate energy. Disease does not exist.

I ‘asked’ him why he had an olive-green skin, and he told me that the colour I saw was not the real one, because our system of magnetic colour receptivity was not like theirs (I did not understand exactly what he meant). [The colours we see represent slightly differing frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.]

He told me that their organism is much simpler than ours: they have only one digestive tract without all the paraphernalia [entrails] that we have. Their heart and lungs, however, are well developed because they need a large intake of air to feed the brain and purify the liquid that runs in their veins, which is of a different composition from our blood. Moreover, they have very powerful muscles in order to withstand the strong atmospheric pressure on their planet. In fact, when he emerged from the disc and came towards me, he had a leaping or loping gait, like the astronauts walking on the Moon.

I was continuously struck by the beauty of his eyes and wanted to ask ‘him’ if ‘he’ was a man or a woman. His eyes twinkled for a moment and he explained, with a smile, that he was neither; that their system of propagation was not through mating, like us.

Since I was examining him closely to see how he was built, he gave me to understand that his build was in conformity with the exigencies of life on his planet. The top of his head was bigger than ours because his brain was double the size of ours. Simply by means of thought and the emanation of [thought] waves they could do things that we cannot even imagine .