Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: A Betrayal of Trust (Part 3)

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: A Betrayal of Trust In 1975, the movie rights were sold to Academy Award nominee James Earl Jones. He had read the book and wanted to play the dramatic part of Barney in the movie. In addition to Betty Hill, John Fuller and Dr. Simon took … Read more

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: A Betrayal of Trust (Part 2)

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: A Betrayal of Trust Further, although their hypnosis had revealed that they had been captured and taken onboard a UFO where they endured a physical examination, they did not know if this was the objective truth. However, neither they nor Dr. Simon could adequately explain the … Read more

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: A Betrayal of Trust (Part 1)

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: A Betrayal of Trust Ironically, just as Barney and Betty were seeing a light at the end of a tunnel that they never intended to enter, a dark shroud was thrown over them. In August, their friend Adele Darrah informed them that John Luttrell, a reporter … Read more

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: A New Focus

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: A New Focus After six months of long weekly treks to Dr. Simon’s office in Boston, the Hills’ lives once again normalized. They enjoyed active social and community involvement, promoting liberal social and political issues. The Unitarian church held an important position in their lives, and … Read more

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: Admiral Herbert Bain Knowles (Part 1)

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: Admiral Herbert Bain Knowles It was through Betty’s friend Lauri D’Allessandro that the Hills met Rear Admiral Herbert B. Knowles and his wife, Helen. They were invited guests at a buffet luncheon at their home in Eliot, Maine. The invitation stated that Admiral Knowles was a … Read more

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: Admiral Herbert Bain Knowles (Part 2)

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: Admiral Herbert Bain Knowles On November 20, 1950, Smith wrote a “TOP SECRET” memo titled “Geomagnetics” to the controller of telecommunications, informing him that for the past several years he and others had been engaged in the study of various aspects of radio wave propagation. He … Read more

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: A Tenuous Diagnosis (Part 1)

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: A Tenuous Diagnosis Throughout the hypnoanalysis, Dr. Simon faced the daunting task of attempting to separate fantasy from reality. He repeatedly interrogated the Hills for clarity whenever inconsistencies surfaced in their hypnotic recall, attempting to puncture the veracity of their recall. Direct questioning revealed that whenever … Read more

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: A Tenuous Diagnosis (Part 2)

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: A Tenuous Diagnosis Dr. Simon continued by explaining that the writer seemed to have derived “many inferences from scant evidence.” This methodology of dialectic discussions between “believers” and “nonbelievers,” in his opinion, would not answer any of the questions surrounding the UFO mystery or the Hill … Read more

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: Release From Capture (Part 2)

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: Release From Capture Furthermore, in 1961, Route 3 was a cement road. Concrete roads are constructed with evenly spaced expansion and contraction joints. Had the Hills’ trunk been open, they would have heard an even, rhythmic, clicking sound. However, Betty and Barney described code-like buzzing or … Read more

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: Release From Capture (Part 1)

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: Release From Capture Upon the completion of Barney’s medical examination, he was escorted back to his vehicle, while Betty exchanged words with the leader. She was furious because a member of the crew had overruled his decision to give Betty the strange 5 × 9 inch … Read more