Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: The Star Map Investigation (Part 3)

The True Story of the Worlds First Documented Alien Abduction: The Star Map Investigation

Furthermore, it seems reasonable to expect that a special location, with two older sun-like stars in relatively close proximity to each other, would become the hub of the local neighborhood. They might well be expected to colonize and migrate and patrol the neighborhood. It is also reasonable to expect them to be concerned about their own security and survival. This means that we would expect them to check much more closely on the primitive societies in the neighborhood who show signs of soon developing the technology for interstellar travel, but no signs of developing the sociology of learning to live at peace with their neighbors.

From their viewpoint, we would surely appear to be a primitive society whose major activity is tribal warfare, resulting every so often in the slaughter of millions of people. It is estimated that the First World War cost 16 million lives. World War II cost about 50 million lives and the destruction of 1,700 cities as well as the development of weapons of mass destruction that have indeed been used for killing. Of course they would want to monitor the third rock from the sun…and monitor us much more closely after the spies in the neighborhood became aware of our development of rockets such as the V-2 used by Germany to attack England, fancy electronics such as manifested by high-power radar, and nuclear weapons. Putting these observations together would strongly suggest that primitive Earthlings, though previously confined to Earth, would be able to leave for the stars within perhaps 100 years, providing they don’t destroy themselves first. It is interesting that the only location in the world in July of 1947, at the time of the Roswell Incident, where one could study all three of these technologies, was southeastern New Mexico. Man’s first atomic bomb was tested at Trinity Site on the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945. White Sands is also where we were testing dozens of captured German V-2 Rockets, and where we had some of our best radar systems to track the rockets, which often didn’t go where they were expected to go.

It should be noted that there is no reason to assume that the aliens who abducted Betty and Barney popped over from Zeta 1 or 2 Reticuli just before the abduction. In the first place, there are many excellent reports of huge “space carriers” or mother ships running from 0.5 to 1.2 miles long and capable of carrying many much smaller “Earth Excursion Modules” (analogous to the Lunar Excursion Module, which was small, but launched from the Earth on the huge Saturn 5 rocket) such as the one into which Betty and Barney were brought. In the second place, there is no reason to say there haven’t been local monitoring, refueling, or rest and relaxation systems within the solar system. Some would like to believe that we are the Crown of Creation and there is nobody else nearby.

It is much more likely that we, with a technological history of only thou- sands of years in a multibillion-year-old neighborhood, are as ignorant of our surroundings, outside our local solar system, as are the gorillas in a nature preserve in Africa.

Some critics have been quite upset because they can’t find any reason for aliens to come to Earth and certainly no evidence of “trade routes.” Who is trading with whom? In a paper Stanton wrote many years ago, he suggested 26 reasons for aliens to come to Earth. Is there anything about Earth that is unique? We are clearly the only planet in the solar system having most of its surface covered with water. We are the only planet in the solar system that has an atmosphere clearly indicating much biological life, cities, construction, and developed “civilization.” As it happens, Earth is also the densest planet in the solar system: A typical cubic foot of Earth weighs more than a cubic foot of any other planet in the system.

It should be noted that the density implies more dense elements here than on any of the other planets. These include such metals as gold, uranium, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, and platinum. These are not only very heavy elements per unit volume, but they have very special properties: some with very high melting points, some with great strength at high temperature, some are very corrosion-resistant, and some have very special electrical and nuclear properties.

Just 100 years ago the primary use for uranium was to provide yellow glazes for china plates. Now it is, of course, the basis for a major nuclear power and weapon industry. We also have a number of so-called rare earths such as dysprosium, gadolinium, erbium, europium, neodymium, cesium, and so on, which many people have never heard of, but have very special properties of use in the electronics and nuclear industry. There are titanium and zirconium, which were hardly used at all a century ago, but zirconium and hafnium, a chemically similar element, are very important in the nuclear industry. The piping and cladding in the Navy nuclear reactors are almost all made of zirconium alloys because of its very low neutron absorption cross-section and excellent corrosion resistance. Hafnium has a very high neutron absorption cross-section, and is used for control elements.

We also know, from studies of the composition of the stars using systems for analyzing their composition, that heavy elements are rare in the universe. We are all aware that there were many migrations on Earth to obtain gold and other precious elements. Much commerce in the world many hundreds of years ago was to trade spices and silk. Look at the cost per pound of antibiotics and other biological substances such as Vitamin B-12, and poisons and products made from creatures of the sea and from soil microbes. There have been many reports of “unidentified submerged objects” seen rising from the ocean; perhaps they have been mining the oceans for both minerals and substances from sea creatures. More than a million carats of diamonds were recovered from the ocean near Namibia in Africa. There are loads of metallic nodules at the bottom of the ocean with high concentrations of manganese, copper, and cobalt.

It is also of interest to note that our solar system has many mineral- laden asteroids with relatively high levels of expensive metallic elements. Serious thought is being given to mining them. We may not be the first. As we move into space, we may be considered a threat to “their” mining claims.

We now know enough about genetics, recognizing how little we knew even 50 years ago, to know that many diseases have a genetic basis, and that there is a huge variety in genetic material from different races. It would take a great deal of sampling to get any idea regarding the frequency of various genetic diseases (or special beneficial genes) in Earthlings. About one in 10,000 males, for example, has hemophilia, one of many genetic diseases.

This is noted because it is not unreasonable to expect an advanced civilization, where beings live very much longer than we do, to control reproduction. What if a supernova exploded not too far away and dam- aged a great deal of our genetic material? It should not be surprising that sperm was taken from Barney and that a “pregnancy” test was done on Betty. Many other abduction reports indicate that this extraction of genetic material is going on. As we do more and more to destroy Earth’s environment, and therefore our natural habitat, perhaps these extraterrestrial biological crews are harvesting our genetic material to protect it from extinction.