Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – THE CREATURES OF KIRGISZKAYA

‘The phenomenon of UFOs is real and we should approach it seriously and study it,’ stated former USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev, in reply to a question during a meeting with workers in the Urals in April 1990.

That year, Russian interest in the subject surged, following numerous military and civilian reports; as it had done in 1989, when witnesses reported the landings of an alien vehicle and its occupants — three giant humanoids and a robot — at Voronezh.

It was about 21.40 on 18 May 1990, in the village of Kairma, near Frunze, Kirgiszkaya, USSR. A 10-year-old boy, Dima, came running in to tell his mother that ‘space creatures‘ were outside. And there they were. ‘I have never seen such creatures before,’ she said. Just over a metre in height, the creatures wore helmets and glowing suits with stripes on their sleeves and trouser legs.

The beings had hands with three claw-like fingers. Dima reported that when they noticed him, they pulled out a box-like device from behind them and aerial-like appendages appeared on their heads. As in certain other cases described earlier, such as that of Jan Wolski, the beings appeared almost to ‘slide’ over the ground. When a car appeared, they jumped into a nearby stream and stayed there until it had passed by. By now frightened, Dima and his mother ran to a neighbour’s house. When they returned, the creatures were gone. Throughout the encounter, the surrounding atmosphere was ‘vibrating’.

At 23.30 a powerful droning sound was heard throughout Kairma, just as the local electricity supply fluctuated. Showers of sparks could be seen coming from the sub-station; later the power supply cut out altogether. After midnight, a huge red disc-shaped thing was seen over the town. Many other reports of sightings were made during the ensuing days.

On 29 May, three kilometres from where the creatures were first seen, came another such report. At 08.50, three women working at a garage heard extraordinary horn-like sounds (as reported in some other cases), increasing in volume. Through the window of the office, Ludmila Sadovskaia saw a strange creature with glowing eyes. Its face was a greenish-grey, and it had no nose and only a slit for a mouth. The women ran out of the office, shouting for help, having failed to contact anyone by radio. Two boys, living nearby, claim to have seen a ‘flying saucer‘ appear above the garage and land nearby, at the same time. Investigators on the scene the next day reported abnormal changes in atmospheric pressure at the site