Alien Fantasia?

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: Alien Fantasia?

There, sitting on a rock by the brook, was the most exquisite woman my young eyes had ever beheld! The warm sunlight caught the highlights of her long golden hair as it cascaded around her face and shoulders. The curves of her lovely body were delicately contoured — revealed through the translucent material of clothing which reminded me of the habit of skiers . . . She seemed to radiate and glow as she sat on the rock, and I wondered if it were due to the unusual quality of the material she wore, which had a shimmering, shiny texture not unlike but far surpassing the sheen of nylon. The clothing had no buttons, fasteners or seams I could discern. She wore no make-up, which would have been unnecessary to the fragile transparency of her Camellia-like skin . . .

Thus wrote Howard Menger, describing his first claimed encounter with an extraterrestrial, in High Bridge, New Jersey, in 1932, when he was but 10 years old. Menger, who rose to prominence as a charismatic contactee in the late 1950s, has been widely dismissed as a charlatan who simply jumped on the bandwagon in the wake of publicity following George Adamski’s stories. For me, this is too dismissive a judgement. As with Adamski, I am unable to reject arbitrarily all of Menger’s claimed experiences, though I believe some of them to be delusional.

The lovely lady explained to Menger that she had ‘come a long way’ to see him, because she and her people had been observing him, and that she had known him for a ‘long, long time’. ‘We are contacting our own,’ she added cryptically, implying perhaps that Menger had been linked with her people in the past. She impressed on the pubescent youngster that though he would not understand much of what she told him, he would begin to do so later in his life.

Menger had no idea who she was or where she came from: he knew nothing about extraterrestrials, even though already he had had several sightings of peculiar flying discs, including one that landed briefly, mostly in the company of his brother. In any event, no spacecraft could be seen nearby. After giving further information to Menger about his future role in life, to include meetings with others of her people, the lady asked the boy to leave first. He simply walked slowly away from the scene, pausing to look back at her as she sat smiling on the rock.