Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – LANDING TRACES

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – LANDING TRACES

The following day, Facchini returned to the landing site to look for his cigarette case which he had lost during the encounter. He discovered faint marks on the ground, consisting of four round impressions about one metre in diameter, set in a square, about six metres apart. He also noticed burnt grass and a few pieces of metal which he picked up, presuming them to be residue from the welding.

Facchini reported the incident to police headquarters in Varese, and investigations were carried out at the landing site. ‘I had an analysis made of themetal, which turned out to be an “anti-friction metal”,’ Facchini explained to Antonio Giudici. ‘It was a shiny metal, with a granulous surface’ (see plate section). As is often the case with metallic samples found at UFO landing sites, nothing abnormal showed up in analysis.

In its report, the Experimental Institute for Light Metals stated that: the sample received consisted of three small metal fragments of a yellowish- white colour and with a total weight of l.64 grams.

The percential results of the chemical analyses made are as follows:

  • Copper 74.33%
  • Tin 19.38%
  • Lead 4.92%
  • Antimony 0.52%
  • Zinc 0.33%
  • Nickel 0.08%
  • Iron 0.02%

plus minimal traces of silver, aluminium, and magnesium. The fragments under consideration are thus of a ‘lead bronze’, with a high content of tin. The micrographical structure seems perfectly normal for a bronze of the type in question, in a cast state. The presence of no rare or abnormal element for an alloy of this type was detected. It is very probable that the fragments presented to us for examination come from the packing bed of a bearing that has had very heavy wear.

It is unclear precisely what is expected when physical tests are taken of objects believed to have come from a craft of extraterrestrial origin. If they were not composed of material and elements that we otherwise know about from hundreds of years of scientific enquiry, then how would we be able to understand them? We have good reason to believe that the 10 metals listed above are found throughout the universe and are desirable construction materials for vehicles, regardless of where found and fabricated in the universe.