A Pantomime of Unrealities – THE MISSION

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – A Pantomime of Unrealities – THE MISSION

Zret began the conversation by asking Coe if he had told his parents about the encounter. Coe replied that he had not done so and would never betray the secret. Zret continued:
You probably already have an inkling that I’m a stranger to your modern world. This decision of explanation is a personal responsibility. Our mission here will forever be cloaked in the tightest secrecy. If the events that we foresee do not come to pass, our presence will not become known. The great depth of gratitude that I feel toward you, coupled with the things that you have seen and know exist, has influenced a violation of [a] law of disclosure . . . I am sure, if you can be as tight-lipped in the future as you have been in the past, that I will have nothing to fear, but a breach of this trust could result in the direst of consequences.

Zret went on to say that his true identity and address and details of his personal life had to remain secret, though he did explain that he was one of a group which had come to monitor Earth’s scientific advances. While on Earth, he ‘doubled’ as a student majoring in electronic engineering. Man’s capacity for developing weapons of ever-increasing power was the prime motive for the visits to Earth. ‘Only recently,’ he continued, ‘many of the more “intelligent” and “cultural” nations of Earth have concluded a long, bloody war, and during its progress several innovations, designed specifically for the mass slaughter of humanity, were introduced . . .

As each new invention was applied to a military potential, its horizon broadened to the eventual horror, brutality and devastation that emerged as a “world war“. This conversion of inventive genius from the brain of Earth’s inhabitants, to ever greater devices of destruction, was the prime factor that motivated our mission . . .

Later, Coe was to learn that in 1904, Zret’s people had paved the way for a hundred of them to infiltrate every major nation of our planet — as small groups of technicians — to observe and evaluate every step of our scientific advancement. Their main concern was that we were on the verge of discovering secrets of the atom which could have disastrous consequences for our planet.