A Festival of Absurdities  – SPACEMEN AND WOMEN IN SWEDEN

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – A Festival of Absurdities  – SPACEMEN AND WOMEN IN SWEDEN

Several months prior to the famous wave of sightings of the so-called ‘ghost rockets’ — reported mostly from Scandinavia — a most unusual flying craft is said to have landed in Angelholm, north of Helsingborg, Sweden. The witness was Gösta Carlsson, who later became a well-known industrialist.

One evening in May 1946, Carlsson was walking home along the shores of the Kattegat. Owing to the gathering dark he used a forehead lamp. Spotting a light in a nearby clearing in the forest, he approached the area and was surprised to see a disc-shaped contraption on the ground. The object had a cupola that looked like a cabin with oval windows. Above the cabin was a ‘mast’, and beneath the disc could be seen a large oblong ‘fin’ stretching from the centre to the underside which, together with a small ladder and two landing legs, rested on the ground.

Carlsson went on to describe further details: The object was approximately 16 metres in diameter and 4 metres from top to bottom at the middle. I know this because I measured the marks on the following day. There were a lot of holes around the edge of the disc, like those of a turbine, and it was from these that jet-beams came which burned the grass when the object departed. The light came from the mast. It was about 5 metres in height, and three antennae were suspended from its top. Lower down something like a lampshade was hanging. It was shining with a strange purple light which covered not only the whole object, but also the ground a couple of metres beyond it. The light was flowing and pulsating from the ‘lampshade’ like water from a fountain. Where the light hit the ground I could see a sparkling effect.

On the ground, beyond the area of light, stood a man in closely fitting white overalls. He seemed to be some sort of guard, said Carlsson: He raised his hand towards me: it was a gesture that could not be misunderstood, so I stopped. I was less than 10 metres from him. He was approximately as tall as I am, maybe a few centimetres shorter, but he was thinner than me. There were others like him, but the strange thing was that nobody said a word. It seemed as if they had just finished repairing a window, because they put their tools away and looked at me. Everything was silent.

The only thing I heard was the sound from the guard when he walked on the grass. There were three men working at the window, and two more were standing alongside. There were three women as well, and one more came out of the object later. On the far side there was another guard. In all I saw eleven persons.

They wore short black boots and gloves, a black belt around the waist, and a transparent helmet. The women had ashen-coloured hair, but I could not see the hair of the men as they wore black caps. They were all brown-coloured, as if sunburned.

I went a few steps closer, but then the guard raised his hand again. After that I stood still. The guard had a black box on his chest which was suspended by a chain around his neck. It looked like an old black camera. He turned it towards me and I thought he was going to take a picture of me, but nothing happened, except that I thought I heard a click from my forehead lamp. The lamp did not work after that, but that may have been purely coincidental.

When I returned home I found that the battery had run out, although it was a new one. It seemed as if the ‘cheese-dish cover’ of light stood like a wall between us. I think it was created to isolate them from our world and atmosphere. One of the women came out of the cabin with an object in her hand. She went to the edge of the wall of light and threw the object beyond the area of light. At the same time I heard her laugh.

Carlsson later retrieved the object. (Analysis conducted in 1971 revealed nothing out of the ordinary, the object consisting, among other things, of silicon. Its shape had been changed by the witness, and it looked like a staff.) Carlsson then left the scene.

. . . it is difficult to explain what one does, and why one does it. I thought the disc-like object could be some sort of military device. The whole scene seemed so strange. I never take alcohol, and I knew it was not an hallucination, but nevertheless I decided to go back to the seashore, and from there return to the opening to see if the object was still present. I was aware of a smell like that from ozone (03) following an electrical discharge.

Thirty minutes later Carlsson arrived back at the site, returning via another route so he could observe the object from the other side. Before he had time to leave the shoreline, he suddenly saw a bright-red light rising slowly with a whining sound above the tree-tops. The contraption ascended with a corona of red lights streaming from the ‘turbine holes’. At about 400-500 metres it slowed down and wobbled momentarily, the red light became brighter then turned to purple, and it accelerated into the distance at tremendous speed.