On the very same day that Gooding died

On the very same day that Gooding died, David Greenhalgh died after falling (or being pushed) off a railway bridge in Maidenhead, Berkshire.

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Just seven days after Greenhalgh and Gooding died and only a short distance away, a woman named Shani Warren took her last breaths. Warren worked for Micro Scope, a company taken over by Marconi just weeks later.

Despite being found in just a foot and a half of water and with a gag in her mouth, her feet bound, and her hands tied behind her back, the official verdict was—wholly outrageously—suicide.

May 3, 1987, was the date on which Michael Baker was killed in a car accident in Dorset, England. He worked on classified programs for Plessey. Twelve years later, Plessey became a part of British Aerospace when the latter combined with Marconi. Ten months after, Trevor Knight, who worked for Marconi Space and Defense Systems in Stanmore, Middlesex, England, died— as had so many others—from carbon monoxide poisoning in his garage.

Other unexplained deaths occurred in 1988: midway through the year, Brigadier Peter Ferry (a business development manager with Marconi) and Plessey’s Alistair Beckham both killed themselves via electrocution. Finally, the mysterious death of Malcolm Puddy occurred occurred in 1991. He had told his bosses at Marconi that he had stumbled onto something amazing. What that was, no one knows. Within twenty-four hours, Puddy was dead. His body was hauled out of a canal near his home. The grim list of deaths was finally at an end. The controversy, though, is far from over. It now gets appropriately out of this world.