The UFO report: The Gulf Breeze (Florida) UFO Encounters – Ed’s Further Encounters (Part 1)

Reports of Unidentified Flying Object – Ed’s Further Encounters

November 20, 1987, 16:00 hrs

Ed heard a “humming” sound in his head while sitting in his home office, which reminded him of a sound he heard while in the beam. His family left the house and he was alone. At 16:45 he heard a sound like air brakes . . . “Whoosh”‘ followed by an unintelligible voice with in­ credible consonants. Then at 16:58 an object, like before, ‘ ‘came down with incredible speed like it knew where it was going. “A deep computer-like voice said”. Be calm.

Step forward. ” Ed took picture 6. A female voice told him in Spanish that photos were prohibited, but he then took pictures 7-9. Photo 7 showed the object partially behind a small cedar. Then he got a flashing of “disgust­ing” nude women pictures in his head before the object departed. (Ed understood Spanish because he had spent five years in Costa Rica.)

December 2, 1987, 03:00 hrs

Ed was sleeping peacefully when he heard a humming sound, but he assumed it must be his swimming pool. When the “hum” was followed by the sound of a baby crying, his brain could not justify this since there were no babies in his household. He became wide awake. He then heard a conversation in Spanish between a male and fe­male that made little sense. He quietly slipped out of bed with his 38-caliber pistol and, picking up his camera, went out back and took photo 10 of the same type vehicle .

At 03:30, while back in bed, he heard his Spitz dog bark just once. He went to the French doors and raised the blind , finding himself “eyeball-to-eyeball” with a large-eyed being peering in through the window. The being had a partially transparent helmet, shields in front of his body, and a silver rod in his right hand (see Figure 10:3) . Ed jumped back and saw the creature run . He then went out back in pursuit, and as he moved from under the roof an IS-inch-diameter blue beam “nailed” his right foot to the wooden deck. After struggling with his foot trapped, he slowly pulled his foot out of the beam, went in for his camera, and took photo 11 of the object shining the blue beam into the school yard behind his house.

December 5, 1987, 05:45 hrs

Ed woke up normally and saw a UFO twenty to thirty feet above the field behind his house. He got his camera and took photo 12 as the object moved higher.

December 17, 1987, 01:00 hrs

Ed was awakened by a sound like a waterfall, both in his head and his ears. He got his camera, went outside and got photo 13 of an object quite close. This appeared to be the same object which would later be designated a ‘ ‘Type- 1″ by Dr. Bruce Maccabee, the primary photo analyst .

The light emanating from the bottom ring was changing from orange to pale orange repeatedly. Ed thought the object was having some kind of trouble, as a grayish-looking smoke or fluid was falling from the bottom, and he could hear something like liquid hitting the ground. After momentarily disappearing, the object reappeared very close to the ground across the school yard, perhaps 400 feet away. He took photo 14. This was an especially important photo because, although the original appeared quite dark and distant, it would later be intensely illuminated , re­ photographed with high quality film and pushed to show great detail in a blow-up. There was sufficient light re­flected from the ground to make the entire vehicle visible.

Figure 10:3. Ed s drawing of the alien that peered into his bed­ room window on December 2, 1987

Bob Oechsler, a MUFON State Section Director from An­napolis, Maryland, managed this effort. After about three minutes, the light source on the bot­ tom of the vehicle became brighter and it took off, flying very fast directly toward Ed. His wife had joined him with a new pack of film. He took photos 15 , 16 and 17. Photo 16 was taken when the object was nearly overhead, and 17 (from the new pack) showed the object close to the roof of the house. The image was twenty-two millimeters wide on the Polaroid picture. There was some confusion about the sequence of these photographs. This confusion would lead eventually to hypnotic regression that indicated Ed had been take on board, while his wife had somehow been incapacitated with no memory of the abduction.

December 22, 1987, 1 7:15 hrs

Ed heard a hum in his head which lasted nine or ten min­utes. When he looked out the back and front of his house, he saw no object. The next day Ed speculated that this humming might have been associated with the three UFOs photographed by ‘ ‘Believer Bill , ‘ ‘ whose nine colored prints were put in the Gulf Breeze Sentinel drop box at 08:00 on December 23. The toy “Hot-Shot” camera that exposed the film was also provided. A public appeal in the January 21 , 1988 edition of the Sentinel for ‘ ‘Believer Bill ‘ ‘ to provide the date, time, and location of his sighting was answered. He said they were taken at about 17: 15 on December 22, near Shoreline Drive, which is just on the other side of the high school from Ed’s home. Two of the nine grainy photographs showed two identical Type- 1 vehicles .

December 23, 1987, 05:55 hrs

Ed told investigators that he went out of his back door to turn on the pool pump when the sky was just beginning to lighten in the east (sunrise was 06: 39) . He saw three
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UFOs that appeared to be over an apartment complex just beyond a row of trees. All were at low level. While he was in the house getting his camera, he said one moved to a higher level. He took photo 18 showing three similar objects. “As soon as I lowered the camera, ” he said, “the top one brightened and went up faster than I could raise my head to follow it. “A second or two later the other two did likewise. He got the impression they had waited until he took the picture.

December 27, 1987, 20:15 hrs

A close family friend, Patrick Hanks (pseudonym), aged twenty and a junior college student, had visited Ed’s home on. numerous occasions during the latter part of December, hoping that he would be present if the object reap­peared. When he . rang the bell on December 27, he was greeted by Ed’s wife who quietly announced, “It’s here ! “

Patrick walked straight through the house to the family­ room window where he simultaneously observed Ed by the pool and the object hovering perhaps 500 feet away. Ed came into the house for his camera, and at the instant Ed’s face indicated that he saw Patrick, the UFO blinked out. This sequence of events implies that the UFO reacted to Ed’s thoughts. Patrick Hanks’ account was later re­ corded by Charles Flannigan .

December 28, 1987, 20:00 hrs

Ed was sitting on one of his porches writing in his UFO log book, with his back toward the pool when he observed a glow over the field in his peripheral vision. It came to­ ward the house with no humming noise present. Since he was out of Polaroid film, he got his Sony Model CCD MS camcorder. He sneaked around the bushes in his back yard and tracked the vehicle for one minute and thirty-eight seconds. It passed behind a tree fifty feet away and an­ other about 100 feet away. Then it “blinked” out in two frames (1/ 15th of a second), while a schoolyard light was readily visible. Bob Oeschler would later do a detailed computer analysis of each frame and said that something on the bottom of the vehicle was cycling 7. 5 times per second.

January 6, 1988, 17:10 hrs

Ed heard a hum for approximately one minute. He went to the front and back of the house, but observed nothing unusual. The next day Ed made a full disclosure of the above events-except that involving Patrick Hanks-to the MUFON investigators.

January 12, 1988, 17:10 hrs

While at home, Ed heard a hum of short duration. He excitedly called my home, hoping that an investigator nearby could respond. My soon took the call in my ab­sence, and he later told me that one of my friends was very excited. Ed observed nothing unusual then, and a few minutes later he remembered that he needed to check the power meter installation at one of his houses scheduled for inspection. So at 17 :25 he drove seven miles east of Gulf Breeze to highway 191 -B. When he was about one-half mile south on the deserted black-top road, the object came over his pickup truck and emitted a white flash through the windshield that partially immobilized his forearms and hands. He managed to stop the truck on the left shoulder.

His hands and forearms were stinging, like many pin-pricks. . The object then moved very fast to a point 180 feet in front of the truck and hovered two or three feet left of the double yellow center-line and three feet above the ground.

He tried reaching for his shotgun behind the driver’s seat, but could not feel it due to the lack of sensation in his fingers. After retrieving the camera from the floor, he took photo 19 of the Type-1 object through the windshield. The glow emitted from the bottom of the object illuminates the road very distinctly in the photograph. Ed said the object brightened up and came toward him. With his camera, he slipped out of the truck and clumsily tried to crawl under the pickup for protection from the object’s white flash. Before he could get completely under the truck, the white flash struck the back of both legs from the knees down.

The object then hovered a bit closer over the road in front of him. As he peered between the front wheels of the truck, he tried to take another photo, but he apparently did not have the camera aimed at the object.

The object then started to tum or rotate. To Ed’s amaze­ment, the blue beam deposited five aliens on the road, one after the other, less than a second apart. All five aliens, each wearing a shield and carrying a silver rod as before, started walking toward him. A thought flashed through his mind: “If they can’t get me with the white beam, they are sending aliens after me. ‘ ‘ This prompted Ed to get back into the truck. He tried to start the engine, grinding the starter motor in his excitement because it was still running. He shifted the automatic into reverse, made a hurried U-tum, and departed the area rapidly.

January 16, 1988, 02:00 hrs

Ed was awakened by a very soft hum, but of a higher pitch than the previous experiences. He took his camera to the semicircular front driveway and stood beside his pickup truck scanning the sky. He saw a red glow in the southern sky about the size of a star, which became larger, and in about ten seconds a UFO was nearly overhead. It looked entirely different and has been designated a Type-2 vehicle by Dr. Maccabee. It was not as thick vertically as Type-1 and had a thin reddish “veil” hanging below the lighted ring on the bottom. The underside of the body looked blue. When Ed lifted the camera to take a picture, he heard a very loud hum with the same tone or pitch as on previous occasions. A bright white UFO ”winked” into the sky. It hovered close to the reddish one, and Ed snapped photo 20 showing both objects. Then the red object moved to the east and disappeared, followed immediately by the white one.

January 21, 1988, 22:30 hrs

By this time, Ed and two of the investigators had two-way radios. All-night stake-outs were being conducted nearly every night by Bob Reid and Gary Watson. On this night, Bob Reid was in his van across the field from Ed’s house near some apartments with his camcorder ready. I had asked Ed for a negative of a particular photo for the MU­ FON UFO Journal, and Ed told Reid, by radio, that he would walk over and deliver it so Reid could take it back to Fort Walton Beach. Halfway over, while walking through the woods to skirt the intervening fence, Ed heard a hum and got very excited. He saw a starlike object in the southern sky (beside Sirius), but Reid, still several hundred feet away in the dark, was watching what turned out to be an aircraft’s landing lights to the north. The pinpoint of light that Ed recognized as a UFO blinked out before Reid could locate it. (Perhaps the UFO occupants did not want to be photographed by the investigators. Ed had no .camera.)

January 24, 1988, 17:30 hrs

While at home, Ed heard a faint hum. He immediately called on the two-way radio to see if an investigator was present. When he did not get a response, he got his Polaroid and camcorder and drove to the Sentinel office to have Duane Cook accompany him for verification. They drove east in Ed’s truck in a light rain, followed by Dari, the newspaper’s business manager, and her friend Ann.

Dari said that ‘ ‘Ed looked like he was in a trance. “While driving, Ed told Cook that he felt as if his face was falling off, the hum was in his right forehead, and that he felt like they wanted him out of the truck. Ed said, “They are communicating with me,”‘ and added that he received the following message: “In sleep you know”. Ed was being video-taped all the while showing great stress.

After reaching a deserted part of the winding Tiger­ Point-East Road going south off highway 98, Ed stopped, and he and Cook got out. (Ed felt, at that time, that the aliens had on November 11 somehow given him the ability to hear them, but that their mission had been interrupted.

He wanted to give them the opportunity to remove that capability, and he wanted someone else to record it.) Ed was standing in front of the truck being tormented by pain in his head and stomach. Cook scanned the sky but saw nothing in the dark misty rain. He got back in the truck with the video camera still running. Ed expressed his dis­ pleasure at the hum, and he had earlier asked the aliens to get rid of it. The torment and hum stopped. Ed thought it was over, but as he was about to open the truck door, he said, “Oh s–, there it is. ” Ed raised the camera about 55° and snapped photo 21 .

This picture shows the railing on top of the truck and parallel light streaks going vertically from the UFO bright spots to the top of the picture. The UFO was gone after the camera flash. The total time it was visible was probably two or three seconds. Cook’s view was blocked by the truck roof, and the ladies, parked around a bend in the road, had a tree between them and the object’s location.

They did, however, report seeing a flash, thinking it was just the camera, but later recalled some light coming from above the road. Photo 21 is important because it appears to show the object motionless for most of the time the camera shutter was open and then depart vertically before the shutter closed. This departure, in a fraction of a second, indicates acceleration well above 20 Gs.