Neither Rhyme nor Reason: SWORN TO SECRECY

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: SWORN TO SECRECY

Headquarters ordered us not to approach the landing site and not to discuss the matter among ourselves. Some specialists arrived by plane from Paris to interrogate us. We were made to swear on oath that we would keep it secret.

We were visited by the doctors and we were made to undergo tests. For two days after the event we all had violent headaches, with a buzzing in the ears and a powerful beating in the area of the temples. We were not told the results of the tests made on us.

Not the least surprising aspect of this important case is the missing time experienced by the Legionnaires, with not one of them being aware of the fact until afterwards; a classic side-effect reported in abduction cases. But were any of the men actually abducted into the craft? Was there any interaction at all? We
may never know. The ‘buzzing in the ears’ brings to mind the case of Donald Smythe, described earlier, who suffered similarly following his harrowing experience in 1964.

This case is also important in that it lends weight in several respects to the theories of UFO propulsion propounded by the British aeronautical engineer Leonard Cramp, in his remarkable book, Piece for a Jig-Saw, published a year earlier (and now republished in the United States).