Neither Rhyme nor Reason

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: Neither Rhyme nor Reason

So conditioned are we to the notion of alien omnipotence and the perfection of their technology that when something goes wrong, as reported in a number of cases described earlier, we are inclined to doubt, or to wonder if the event was staged as part of an elaborate deception. Why should this be so? The following case, reported by two witnesses, is unique inasmuch as it involves the observation for over four hours of humanoid operators carrying out repairs to a landed disc, followed by the arrival later of another disc whose operators rendered assistance to the disabled craft. The incident, investigated in depth by Ted Bloecher and Dr Berthold Schwarz, occurred in an area one mile north of New Berlin, New York.

Mary Merryweather (pseudonym), who majored in music at Ithaca College, was staying with her mother-in-law at the latter’s home when the incidents occurred, on 25 November 1964. At 00.30, Mary stepped out on to the porch and noticed what she took to be a shooting star, followed by another, more unusual light, which came down and ‘followed along the brook’ a few hundred yards away from the house. ‘It occurred to me that this was an unusually bright light, a brightness and intensity I had never seen before,’ Mary told Bloecher. ‘Not only was the visible part [of the sighting] strange, but there was a kind of low hum, like a drone-hum combination [that] never changed pitch.’ She called her mother-in-law to join her on the porch.

During the next half-hour, three cars passed by: two slowed down, one stopped briefly, with the light hovering above or following them. The occupants of the cars, apparently frightened, accelerated away from the scene. Before the arrival of the third car, the lighted object had come to a stop several hundred feet directly across the road from the house. ‘Then it kept going north northwest and went up on the side of this mountain about 3,800 feet away,’ said Mary. ‘Then it settled down just below the ridge of this hill.’ Because of the cold night air, Mary returned to observe the lighted object from inside the house, together with her mother-in-law, as their English springer spaniel lay quivering at their feet.