Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: PROJECTED IMAGES

It is apposite to note here that in the case of Birmingham housewife Cynthia Appleton, an encounter which took place during the same month as that of Lewis (and about 40 miles from Church Stretton), an image of a tall, fair man, dressed in a tight-fitting silvery garment with an ‘Elizabethan’ collar, and with straight hair almost to the shoulders, cut in ‘page-boy’ fashion, appeared in her home ‘just like a TV picture on the screen’ with an accompanying ‘whistle’. The image was blurred at first, then became sharp.

Without voicing her question, Mrs Appleton wondered whence came this man. ‘From another world,’ came the response, received telepathically. ‘Like yours, it is governed by the Sun. We have to visit your world to obtain something of which we are running short. It is at the bottom of the sea.’ Mrs Appleton thought the required substance was something that sounded like ‘titium’, which her husband later suggested might be titanium

(Although I have often wondered if that might have been a misunderstood or mispronounced reference to lithium, the lightest of solids, recourse to the book by Ellen Crystall mentioned in the previous chapter suggests that the alien’s reference might well have been to titanium.) ‘You are stripping bark from the wrong tree to line the wrong boat,’ the man continued. ‘You are concentrating on the wrong power. You are trying to go “up” [i.e., against the force of gravity]. We go like this,’ and he made a sweeping lateral movement with both his hands and suddenly between his outstretched fingers appeared a type of television screen, on which could be seen a circular craft with a transparent top half (with several figures inside looking at her) and some much larger ships with several smaller, circular craft attached underneath. Before the image disappeared, the visitor said he would return in January.

On the second occasion, Cynthia Appleton was visited in precisely the same manner by the same man, this time with a companion. Communicating verbally on this occasion, with careful, clipped articulation, they informed her that they came from ‘Ghanas Vahn’ (or so it sounded, pronounced with their guttural accent) on Venus. Other people’s brains, they said, were not suitable, as was hers, to witness this type of projection. The image appeared to be quite solid. ‘You could not see through them although the light of the window was behind them,’ explained Mrs Appleton. When she asked if she could touch the image, she was told that to do so would be very injurious to her health.

From another contactee (Joelle, whose experiences are recounted in Chapter 12), I have learned that this manner of projected image is but one of a host of mental and technical feats of which certain extraterrestrials and some terrestrials, such as advanced yogis — are capable.

This particular phenomenon does not negate the physical reality of the source of the projection.


Hubert Lewis went on to explain that his psychic faculties had been stimulated by the experience. ‘Such things of which my visitor had spoken had never appealed to me previously, things such as an after-world,’ he commented.

Personally, I had little faith; I always held the view that once you were dead, that was the end. In my life I had seen so much badness and the exploitation of man by man that no normal person could have convinced me that life held anything but sorrow for many and happiness for a few. Looking back, this shock was the only thing which could have altered my views of life.

Now I have faith. I have seen my wife, who appeared one morning to me. I have had several conversations with my sons, more especially with my youngest, who was an intellectual and has made quite clear many things which I previously had no idea could possibly be . . . There is a connection between a spirit world and the planets and our after-life — please be assured of this. I now have no fear of death.