From the Benign to the Bristly: HAIRY DWARFS

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: HAIRY DWARFS

The year 1954 also saw a proliferation of reports of ‘hairy dwarfs’ associated with landed craft. One interesting report from the United States, unearthed a few years ago by Jean Sider, was given to the French Catholic newspaper La Croix by an anonymous source, believed by the newspaper to be reliable. In his statement, the unnamed American technician described the incidents — which were alleged to have occurred in the vicinity of a military helicopter base in October of that year — as follows: One day, as I was just finishing my work, I saw in the distance an unknown object [which then came closer and landed nearby].

It resembled the classic saucer. A human-looking being emerged from it, picked up some pebbles, earth and grass, and took a nest from a bush. Then the strange being went back into its vehicle and disappeared within a few seconds. The personnel at the base had not been able to intervene, because it all happened so quickly . . .

A few days later, a saucer landed in the middle of the airfield. As on the previous occasion, its pilot emerged from it and leant over it as if he wanted to check it . . . We hastened toward the saucer [and] were a few metres away from the stranger when he straightened up, saw us, and immobilized us with an unknown fluid [gas?]. Then, after watching us for a moment, he walked around the saucer, climbed into a kind of ‘cigar’ which had parked next to the saucer, and took off vertically. [Then] we recovered our freedom of movement.

The saucer remained on the ground. We didn’t know what to do, still having the image of the fleeing being in mind. It was of a small size, very stocky, with an ape-like appearance. Its body or clothes were covered with long hair.

Of its face, we were able to observe only extremely sharp and brilliant- looking eyes. But — the saucer was right there in front of us. What could it contain? Our engineers decided to investigate it on the field. We noticed right away that the saucer had been closed hermetically: there was practically no opening. It had a dome and portholes but no visible engine.

It rested on three legs which were attached to little ‘skis’. We had to use a welding-torch in order to cut out the door, which caused problems, [because] the unknown metal, which formed the exterior shell of the saucer, was extremely smooth, resistant, and couldn’t be raised either by stamping or adjustment. Our chemical engineers analysed a fragment of it: they found a very heavy alloy of gold, lead and iron. But . . . they were incapable of reconstructing the alloy, considering the proportions analysed.

The interior of the saucer was upholstered entirely with a sort of fibre, resembling rubber. A fairly heavy gas filled two-thirds of the object: an artificial atmosphere? Fuel? Above the portholes were some ‘throttles’, but we couldn’t make anything out of them. Also, we couldn’t find any engine. It seems that the pilot had been traveling ‘on all fours’ on the floor: we found sort of ‘suction pads’ where the ‘hands’ and ‘knees’ would have been. But in each of these we discovered six imprints . . .

This is what I witnessed with a few of my colleagues . . . The American authorities ordered a ‘black out’ on the affair, which hadn’t yet ‘filtered’ out to US newspapers . . . Need it be mentioned that we were profoundly affected by everything we had seen, and will never be able to forget it?

The American engineer’s observation of ‘suction caps’, which led him to believe that the pilot had been travelling ‘on all fours’, as well as the description of the hermetically sealed door, provides remarkable corroboration for the 1943 report by Daniel Leger, who claimed that the female pilot he encountered boarded her craft via a panel in an apparently seamless hull, then assumed a stretched position ‘on all fours’ inside the cabin (see Chapter 1). As Jean Sider confirms, Leger had no knowledge at all of the American incident.