Claims, Contradictions and Corroborations: SECOND FLIGHT INTO SPACE

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: SECOND FLIGHT INTO SPACE

During his second alleged flight into outer space, on 21 April 1953, Adamski was taken on board a different (‘Saturnian’!) scoutcraft, four times the diameter of the Venusian’ one, prior to a flight in a larger carrier ship. Shown into what he was told was a kitchen, Adamski could see no fittings or cupboards of any type.

The appearance proved deceptive. ‘Zuhl’, the host, explained that the walls were lined from top to bottom with cupboards and compartments which, like all doors on the craft, were invisible until opened. In these cupboards, food and everything necessary for its preparation was stored. A small glass-like door set into one of the walls proved to be an oven. No burners of any description could be discerned. Zuhl explained: We do not cook our food in the same way as you. Ours is done quickly by means of rays or high frequencies, a method with which you are now experimenting on Earth. However, we prefer most of our food in the state in which it is grown, and live chiefly on the delicious fruits and vegetables which abound on our planets. To all intents and purposes we are what you call ‘vegetarians’, but in emergencies, if no other food is available, we do eat meat.

Ushered into a nearby lounge, Adamski noted that the floor-covering was yellow-grey in colour, with a texture similar to thick sponge rubber. As before, couches and individual seats were scattered about. ‘I saw no books, papers or reading matter of any kind,’ he said, ‘nor did I see any shelves or cases in which something of this kind might be kept.

On board the carrier ship were people similar to those he had encountered on the previous trip. Although none of the women looked to be older than their early twenties, Adamski learnt later that their ages varied from thirty to two hundred years. On this occasion they were wearing ‘beautiful, sheer gowns’ with wide belts decorated with gems that ‘sparkled with a softness and vitality such as I had never seen on Earth’. The men wore ‘gleaming white blouses’ with long full sleeves drawn in tight at the wrists. The trousers were also loose, ‘very similar to our own styles’, but made of an unknown material.

The men’s height varied from about five to six feet, and all were splendidly formed, with weight in proportion. Like the women, they varied in colouring, but I noticed that the skin of one was definitely what we would call copper- coloured. All had neatly trimmed hair, although it differed in length and cut to some degree, as here on Earth. None wore long hair . . . The men’s features, though uniformly handsome, were not greatly different from those of Earth men, and I am positive that any of them could come amongst us and never be recognized as not belonging here.