Why is the same egg yolk but orange red fruit, light yellow fruit?

Most of us love to eat eggs. You can prepare them in different ways and eggs are also healthy. Most eggs are like that, but not all eggs are alike; some eggs have a dark orange yolk while others have a much lighter yolk.

So does the color of the yolk say anything about the chicken or about the nutritional value of the egg? Have you ever wondered why egg yolks can have so many different shades, from pale yellow to dark orange? Scientific research has answered that question.

There is a very common misconception that the color of the egg yolk is determined by the breed of the chicken. However, the truth is that this factor only causes the difference in the eggshell color.

Why is the same egg yolk but orange red fruit, light yellow fruit?
The color of the egg yolk is determined entirely by the hen’s diet.

The color of the egg yolk is determined entirely by the hen’s diet . Specifically, chickens that are fed foods with more yellow-orange pigment, their eggs will have a darker color.

There is a trick used by many farmers to harvest eggs with more delicious yolks, which is to mix marigold petals into chicken feed. This will give the eggs a nice dark orange color and “delicious”.

And if you want more red, just mix some bell peppers into your diet.

Why is the same egg yolk but orange red fruit, light yellow fruit?
Light yellow and dark orange egg yolks both have the same amount of protein and fat.

Some people think that the darker the yolk, the more nutritious the egg is. However, that is not the case. Light yellow and dark orange egg yolks both have about the same amount of protein and fat, although some research suggests that dark yolks may have more vitamins and slightly less cholesterol.

However, many people evaluate that the darker egg yolk brings a better taste to everyday dishes. This may be due to the effect of color changing the perception of taste, but it seems to be insignificant.

Conclusion: All of this has no impact on the nutritional value or taste of eggs. Egg yolks contain vitamins A, D, E and K regardless of their color and they all taste the same. Plus, although we prefer to buy organic eggs instead of eggs raised by chickens that are kept in tight captivity, the truth is that the living conditions of the chickens do not affect the health of the eggs.