Why is it that the more you lose sleep, the harder it is for you to fall asleep?

What keeps you awake at night? Contemplating tough problems? Excited before a long trip? Or confused because of unfinished work, close test? For many people, anxiety is temporary when the cause is quickly eliminated.

In most cases, sleep deprivation is only temporary, and we fall asleep when we’re tired. But for people with insomnia, these reasons will create a vicious cycle that is difficult to break out of. Almost anything can turn the night white – a snoring bedmate, a sore in the body, or a bad feeling. Severe sleep deprivation issues like time zone differences can upset your circadian rhythms and disrupt your sleep schedule. The more sleepless nights we have, the more we get used to our eyes and are accompanied by feelings of anxiety.

Why is it that the more you lose sleep, the harder it is for you to fall asleep?
Sleep deprivation is only temporary and we fall asleep when we’re tired.

As a result, you lose sleep, when it’s time to sleep, stress will disturb the function of the brain, causing chemicals to react to anxiety to secrete more. Cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone are pumped into the bloodstream, increasing heart rate and blood pressure and pushing the body into a state of excitement. At that time, the brain is in a potential danger alarm mode and we cannot ignore any unpleasant sensations or noises at night.

Until people who have trouble sleeping can sleep, the quality of their sleep will still decrease . The brain’s main energy source is glucose , for good sleep, slow metabolism helps save glucose for waking. Meanwhile, tomography experiments show that Adrenaline both makes it difficult to sleep, and speeds up metabolism, causing the body to use up the stored glucose. From there, the insomniac patient wakes up in a state of exhaustion, lethargy and stress and then the vicious cycle continues.

If this cycle of fatigue lasts for many months, it is called chronic insomnia. Although this sleep disorder is rarely fatal, it can be extremely uncomfortable because the body is constantly in a state of panic and anxiety.

Fortunately, we can break out of this vicious cycle by managing anxiety – one of the most common insomnia remedies, along with creating healthy sleep habits. Make sure the bedroom lights are off and at a comfortable body temperature to reduce the arousal process.

Why is it that the more you lose sleep, the harder it is for you to fall asleep?
When you go to bed, focus on sleeping.

When you go to bed, focus on sleeping. Set fixed wake and sleep times to “set” the biological clock. The biological clock is very sensitive to light, so it is important to avoid exposure to light at night so that the body knows that “it’s time to sleep”. If you have trouble sleeping, leave your room and relax by reading, meditating, or journaling.

In addition to these methods, some doctors also prescribe sedative drugs, however, these drugs are not always effective, not to mention sleeping pills, if used not under the direction of a doctor, can Its highly addictive nature makes users resistant to the drug and increasingly difficult to sleep.

Before seeking treatment, make sure that your lack of sleep is actually caused by insomnia. About 8% of patients diagnosed with insomnia actually only have a less common genetic problem called “delayed sleep disorder (DSPD)”. People with DSPD have a circadian rhythm that is much longer than 24 hours, making their sleep time out of normal. They have trouble falling asleep when it’s time to sleep, not because they’re too worried, and if given the chance, they can sleep comfortably on their “out-of-phase” sleep schedule.

The sleep-wake cycle is a complex balancing act, but essential to maintaining physical health and mental well-being. For these reasons, it is well worth the time and effort to maintain a good sleep routine.