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Famous assassins in Chinese history such as Kinh Kha, Zhuan Zhu, and Regent… all for the sake of repaying the master without caring about their lives, even sacrificing their wives and children.

In ancient times, China had many assassins, but most of them acted alone. The rulers never let the gangsters grow strong because that would threaten their dominance. Therefore, groups that specialize in assassination for money can hardly survive.

Assassins are rarely part of an organization, nor are there uniform rules of operation. The talents and personalities of the assassins are all different, so are their stories, but there are still some things in common.

“A man dies for someone who understands him” , the person who said this sentence was Yu Rong , who lived in the early Warring States period. He is from Tan country, served for Pham Thi and Trung Hang Thi, is not respected, no one knows his name. After that, he followed Tri Ba and was very respected.

Tri Ba was defeated by the Trieu, Han and Wei dynasties. Zhao Xiangzi hated Tri Ba the most, and painted his head with paint to moisten the air (the object used to drink alcohol). Yu Nhuong fled to Shandong, lamenting: “Spirits and confidants pretend to be dead, women die because people understand them, girls are beautiful because people love them. Tri Ba has the grace to use me. , I must avenge you, only then will I not feel ashamed.” Therefore, he tried many times to like and kill Zhao Xiangzi, but failed, and finally committed suicide.

In addition to Du Nhuong, famous assassins such as Chuyen Chu, Regent, and Kinh Kha also acted to repay the master’s favor. But they are not the same as the Dungeon. Tri Ba appreciates Dung Nhuong because he sees his talent and loves his dignity, not because he wants to work as a hit man and live impure. It was a respect that came from the bottom of the heart, so the new Dung Nhuong wanted to repay the great grace, vowing to die to avenge Tri Ba.

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Kinh Kha Hanh liked Qin Shi Huang but failed. (Photo: 163).

However, Duke Quang of Wu, Nghiem Trong Tu of Han, and Crown Prince Dan of Yen from the very beginning treated Chuan Chu, Regent, and Kinh Kha as a murder tool, with no respect. . Those are all very clear transactions between the two parties.

Chuyen Chu and Nie Chinh are both the best martial artists, do not do political calculations, as long as others provide gold coins, they are willing to let them command and sell their lives for others. Kinh Kha is more cunning, Crown Prince Dan wants him to like King Qin, but he is not satisfied. In front of you, you can’t refuse, you can earn enough gold, silver and jewels, beautiful women and horses can enjoy themselves, but always use excuses to wait for their accomplices to act together, and wait until Crown Prince Dan urges them to come out. hand.

In the Pre-Qin period, the dominant power was mainly hereditary. For those who come from humble backgrounds, if they want to win glory and riches, they can only rely on their ability and determination. Especially for those who are not good at strategizing, making a living by force, besides their own lives, they actually have no better future.

Moreover, the restriction for advancement also creates extremely fierce competition. In order to be more easily used, the subordinate needs to have another advantage, to help the master reduce his mind. Over time, professional ethics were formed. The promised things, must be done, “a promise like a thousand gold”.

Nghiem Trong Tu wanted to kill his main enemy, Hiep Lui, a general of Han (one of the 7 great countries of the Warring States period), so he brought gold and silver to the Regent. Regent said: “I still have an old mother, my life cannot be arbitrarily handed over to someone else”. After the mother died, the new Regent agreed to help Nghiem Trong Tu. He was very careful when accepting the opponent’s offer, once he agreed, he would resolutely complete the task, regardless of his life.

Why do you like Chinese customers who are committed to selling their lives for the owner?
The Regent broke into the room to kill General Han Hiep Luy. (Photo: Sohu).

Some assassins have their own views on values, in the middle of betraying the mission. During the Spring and Autumn period, Tan Linh Cung was immoral, the great consul Trieu Thuan strongly advised. Song Tan Linh Cong did not listen and sent Tu Nghe to kill Trieu Thuan. Tu Ni entered Trieu Thuan’s house early in the morning, discovered that Trieu Thuan had woken up early, finished wearing his court clothes, prepared for the high court, but because it was still early, he sat with his eyes closed and rested.

Seeing Trieu Thuan single-mindedly for his national affairs as well as his devotion, Tu Ni was really shocked, lamenting: “Trieu Thuan, even at home, still doesn’t forget to be respectful, indeed a good master of the country. Tan! Killing the master of the people is disloyal. However, if you do not follow the orders of the national army, you will not be able to keep the faith. Between these two things, no matter what you commit, it is better to die.” In the end, he hit his head and committed suicide.

The most important thing while conducting close combat is to have good confidentiality, to hide your true intentions and identity. Only when the enemy has no doubts can the killing easily succeed.

Chuyen Chu disguised himself as a food delivery man, and Kinh Kha pretended to be a map donor messenger, both successfully reaching the target audience. After Kinh Kha died, his good friend Gao Jianli wanted to avenge him, so he used the unique technique of plucking the bamboo to attract the attention of Qin Shi Huang. Qin Shi Huang loved to listen to music, so he damaged Cao’s eyes, so that Cao could approach and play the piano. Gao Jian Ly attached lead in the bamboo lute, threw the whole guitar towards Qin Shi Huang, but unfortunately didn’t hit.

Due to wanting to hide his identity, he changed his name and took the punishment to work as a latrine repairman. When Zhao Xiangzi went to the toilet, his heart beat faster, strange feeling, let people go to find and arrest Yu Rong, find out his true identity. Song Trieu Tuong Tu felt that Yu Rong was very loyal, so he released him.

After that, Dung Nhuong painted his own body, turned into a horrible person, shaved his eyebrows, changed his face, and disguised himself as a beggar. When his wife met him, she said in surprise, “That beggar’s appearance doesn’t look like my husband at all, but why does his voice sound like that?”.

After that, Yu Rong also swallowed fire coals, changed his voice, and almost turned into a mute person. He hid at the foot of the bridge to prepare to ambush Zhao Xiangzi. But luck did not come, Trieu Tuong Tu’s horse panicked, and Du was discovered again, his execution failed.

Why do you like Chinese customers who are committed to selling their lives for the owner?
Du Nhuong hid at the foot of the bridge to ambush Trieu Tuong Tu but failed. (Photo: Sohu).

Yu Leng is only destroying his own body, but Weak Ly is more than that. In order to succeed, he sacrificed his wife and children. After Chuyen Chu Hanh fell in love with Ngo Vuong Lieu, Hap Lu (Prince Quang) became King Ngo. Lieu’s son Khanh Ky was exiled outside, becoming the heart of Hap Lu’s great disaster. Ngu Tu Tu introduced Weak Ly to Hap Lu. Weak Ly said to Hap Lu: “I am small and powerless, weak against the wind, but I can kill Khanh Ky for you”.

Hap Lu didn’t believe it, so weak Ly said: “Your Majesty, please kill my wife and children, publicly burn their bodies in the market, the ashes will fly away, then use gold coins to buy me back. Thus, When I go to Khanh Ky, I will definitely gain his trust.” Hap Lu followed the next step, wanting Weak Ly to be next to Khanh Ky. Khanh Ky saw that he was so thin and weak, his figure was harmless, and indeed gave him a servant next to him.

As a result, while on the boat, Weak Ly used a short spear, stabbed in the wind, and liked to close to Khanh Ky. He was so thin, he had to borrow the help of the wind when he stabbed the spear. But he was able to kill Khanh Ky, an unparalleled martial artist, completely relying on the opponent’s lack of defense.

However, the Regent was an exception. This man had high martial arts skills, directly attacked General Han Hiep Luy while sitting in the palace, rushing to kill him. Defender Lam Lap next to Hiep Luy ended up not being able to stop him, he cut him many times. Brave life doesn’t need to be explained, ferocious assassins don’t need to dress up.