What's inside China's most expensive mansion?

According to Business Insider, China’s most expensive villa costs 1 billion yuan (9 million).

What's inside China's most expensive mansion?
Dao Hoa Nguyen Villa has an area of approximately 672 hectares, located on a private island in Doc Da Lake, Suzhou.

What's inside China's most expensive mansion?
All 32 bedrooms of the villa are facing south, to have the ideal sun direction.

What's inside China's most expensive mansion?
The villa is nearly 10 years old. The lakeside swimming pool offers spectacular views of Suzhou city in the distance.

What's inside China's most expensive mansion?
The gardens – including this mist-covered pond – are modeled after the ancient garden of Suzhou – listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What's inside China's most expensive mansion?
The mansion took three years to build and all bricks are handmade.

What's inside China's most expensive mansion?

What's inside China's most expensive mansion?
The interior of the house is equally grand, with a beautiful large wine cellar.

What's inside China's most expensive mansion?
The blend of traditional East Asian and contemporary styles brings the house to life.

What's inside China's most expensive mansion?
The villa has plenty of outdoor space and patios to relax in.

What's inside China's most expensive mansion?
On real estate pages, the villa is called “a billion yuan house” .