What made Caesar the most powerful dictator in Rome?

Historians have recently speculated on the motives of the Roman dictator Gaius Julius Caesar.

According to Express, Gaius Julius Caesar was a dictator, politician, military general who played an important role in the decline of the Roman Republic and transformation into the Roman Empire.

What made Caesar the most powerful dictator in Rome?
Caesar was an outstanding general, equal to Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great.

In his military career, Caesar was on a par with Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Genghis Khan or Napoleon. Caesar is called one of the 10 greatest generals in the world.

In 60 BC, Caesar with Marcus Licinius Crassus and Gnaeus Pompey Magnus formed a political alliance that dominated Roman politics for many years.

Caesar became one of the most powerful politicians in the Roman Republic through a number of achievements, notably his victories in the Gallic Wars , in 51 BC.

In 50 BC, the Senate, headed by Pompey, who had been his ally, ordered Caesar to disband the army and return to Rome. The Senate also banned Caesar from running for office. Faced with this situation, Caesar thought he would be cut off from political life if he returned to Rome. Pompey also accused Caesar of “disobedience” and “treason”.

Day 10.1. 49 BC, Caesar crossed the Rubicone River (near the Italian border) with only one legion of Roman legionnaires (Legio XIII) and launched a civil war. The nobles heard that Caesar was starting to panic and fled. Caesar pursued Pompey to the end, hoping to restore the alliance, but Pompey continued to flee.

What made Caesar the most powerful dictator in Rome?
Caesar was the man who played an important role when the Roman Republic gradually collapsed, replaced by the Roman Empire.

In the end, Caesar destroyed Pompey’s main force in Hispania. Then Caesar advanced, attacking Pompey in Greece. Caesar cleverly won the victory even though Pompey’s force was much stronger in number (three times more infantry and significantly more infantry).

Returning to Rome after a resounding victory, Caesar became the absolute power and influence in Rome.

After taking control of the government, Caesar continued to seize power, eventually becoming a “dictator for life”.

In the Amazon documentary, historians reveal Caesar’s ambitions for power stemmed from childhood . “At the age of 15, Caesar entered the political arena, wearing the toga – the distinctive attire of a Roman citizen. He followed his father everywhere in Rome.”

“Under the Republic, Rome has conquered the Mediterranean, wealth is immeasurable, people’s living standards are improved. But the political turmoil never ends,” the documentary said.

Caesar’s father was a congressman, working in the government of Rome. Caesar’s life changed when his father died.

Keith Hopkins, a former professor at the University of Cambridge, UK, revealed about Rome’s politics. “ Rome was a system of aristocrats, in which the nobility competed with each other for political office. But the people who vote are the people.”

What made Caesar the most powerful dictator in Rome?
The painting depicts the moment Caesar was assassinated.

“The aristocrats were constantly competing for power, drawing the army in to resolve the conflict,” Hopkins said. “As a result, there were countless civil wars between political factions.”

Professor Averil Cameron from the University of Oxford, explains Caesar’s thirst for victory, his thirst for power. “Caesar was born into a high-class family, but they are slowly losing power. That was perhaps the impetus for Caesar’s efforts to restore the family’s image.”

“Caesar’s father soon died, leaving him to build a career alone. He has worked very hard in his political career and I’m sure there is a big boost to his ambitions,” Cameron said.

Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, from the University of Cambridge, said: “Caesar grew up in a family that needed power to survive civil wars in the political arena. Caesar has the pressure, the effort, the desire to reach for success.”

In 44 BC, Caesar was assassinated by political opponents, led by Gaius Cassius Longinus, Marcus Junius Brutus and Decimus Junius Brutus. He was stabbed a total of 23 times. Brave to the very end, Caesar said : “It is better to die once than to live continuously in fear of death”.

Caesar’s death ushered in a new civil war, causing the Roman Republic to collapse. Caesar’s grandson, Octavian, the designated heir to the estate, took full power after wiping out his opponents. Octavian also seized power, inaugurating the era of the Roman Empire.