Most intelligent people think of ways to make money from other people. Wise people think of ways to help others make money!
In this world, there are not many people who are said to be intelligent, it is estimated that in 10 people, there are only 1 or 2 people.
That’s why it’s so rare to mention “wise men” that only one or two people can be found out of a hundred. Even Socrates – the Greek philosopher, who is recognized as a wise man asserted that: “If wisdom is taken as a ranking requirement, he himself is just an anonymous person”.
So what is the difference between smart and wise? Let’s reminisce about what happened in real life. A lot of people think that the people who never suffer a disadvantage in life are the smart ones. But you know what, it is the people who dare to let themselves lose who are the wise.
For smart people, when dealing with others, they can always maintain their sanity to protect their own interests. When doing business, for example, they can always guarantee a profit.
But wise people do the opposite, they never pursue absolute profits, some businesses even face losses.
Ly Gia Thanh once revealed his secret to making money: “Let others make more money!”
Listening to this surely some people will find it very difficult to understand, why let others make more money? Why by doing so he was able to become the richest man in Asia, Ly Gia Thanh explained that:
“Because when I help other people make a lot of money, they are willing to cooperate and leave the business in my hands!”
It is impossible not to say that Ly Gia Thanh is not only a man of business talent, but also extremely sober and wise in life.
Most intelligent people seize opportunities very quickly.
Most intelligent people quickly grasp the opportunities presented and know when they should act. While wise people are often more concerned about what to let go of in the present . Therefore, it can be said that it is smart to understand what should be grasped, but it is wise to know what to let go.
Smart people are strong and confident people , they often show their strengths outside, to stand out. The wise man hides his aura, letting others show it first.
For example, at a party, smart people will keep their mouths busy, they talk to the subjects they are interested in. Wise people are busy with their ears, they are not afraid to listen to what others want to convey.
These two behaviors are likened to a teapot and a cup of tea. A teapot is a smart person, a teacup is a wise person. In the end, the water in the teapot will also pour into the cup.
Wise people understand letting go, so they can reach a happy state.
Smart people have many afflictions, so insomnia is also prolonged and heavier, because they are highly focused on many things, too sensitive to life. Wise people understand letting go, so they know how to avoid trouble and afflictions early, so they can reach a happy state.
Having met many smart people, I realized a common trait in them, that is, in a discussion, if there is a dispute, they often have the habit of wanting to change others so that the other side can “join” in the field. own side.
What about wise people? Most of them often let things “go naturally” . As a result, their personal relationships become more harmonious.
Intelligence may be innate, but to become wise you need to sharpen a lot from life.
Intelligence makes people easier to absorb a lot of knowledge, and wisdom makes people more and more temperamental and cultural.
Smart people have high competence and the ability to learn many new skills. In fact, these skills are an essential part of helping them get rich. That is why intelligence can bring wealth and power.
But wealth and power are not always proportional to happiness, because happiness comes from the heart, and wisdom can bring happiness.
Philosophy makes many logical inferences about life, looking for ways to free people from worries and afflictions. Philosophy makes people wise.
In this life, innate intelligence is difficult, but learning to be confused is even more difficult. In the process of cultivating wisdom, we must not forget to find the most suitable way of life for ourselves!