What is jet lag and how to avoid jet lag in flight?

“Jet lag” is a phrase that refers to fatigue after a flight due to the impact of the time zone difference at the destination. Most people who travel by air are affected by “jet lag” , even if they regularly fly.

The disturbance of human circadian rhythm when the time of departure and destination is not adapted, as well as the sudden change in eating and sleeping patterns, will lead to jet lag. The most common symptoms of jet lag are disorientation, irritability, and fatigue, which can lead to swollen eyes, headaches, feeling cold, and abdominal pain. These symptoms are severe or mild, how long they last depends on the body, health status and adaptability of each person. Some people only take a day to adapt, but there are special cases that take days or even weeks.

What is jet lag and how to avoid jet lag in flight?
Jet lag is a fairly common condition and happens to most passengers.

Usually, jet lag happens to passengers who are flying intercontinental on long flights and have time difference, but sometimes jet lag happens even if there is no time difference if you are flying different countries. night flight with too long time. One of the more interesting conclusions is that the more rigorous and regular you have a time schedule, the more likely it is that jet lag affects your body. Besides, the level of jet lag also increases with age, the older the age, the greater the degree of influence. Children will be less affected than adults.

Jet lag is a fairly common condition and happens to most passengers. However, if you know some small “tips”, you can limit this situation to help your body quickly adapt and regain its original health.

What is jet lag and how to avoid jet lag in flight?
Practice at least 10-12 days before your flight to adjust your schedule to the time zone of your destination.

On the plane, space conditions will be quite limited. If you can book a seat in the premium class, that will be great. However, if you can only afford to book a seat in economy class, take advantage of all the ways to create the most comfortable seating space for yourself. For example, bring books, magazines, music players, blankets, neck pillows … to have moments of relaxation, to help refresh the spirit.

What is jet lag and how to avoid jet lag in flight?
Take advantage of all the ways to create the most comfortable seating space for yourself.

Jet lag is a fairly common condition, but if you know how to limit it, then jet lag will only be a very small problem.