The UFO report: The English Corn Circles in 1988 – Earth Mysteries and the Circles

Reports of Unidentified Flying Object: The English Corn Circles in 1988 – Earth Mysteries and the Circles

Evidence of a connection between UFOs and ley lines is examined in some detail in Paul Devereux’s book, Earth Lights, 10 which explores the thesis that UFOs are basically an Earth phenomenon associated with Earth energies, but does not exclude the idea that the phenomenon interacts with the human psyche in some way, giving the impression of a living thing, or even intelligence.

Without entering into detailed consideration of this analysis, it is instructive to look at the Earth Mysteries interpretation of the Circles, although there are many con­flicting points of view. The basic thesis is that there exists an as yet undefined force, or Earth energy, that is associated with many of the ancient sites such as stone circles, henges, dolmens, barrows, and tumuli. Such sites are very often found to be in alignments, and the straight lines connecting these sites are known as leys, or ley lines. The ley lines, it is suggested, are channels along which this energy flows, or else the sites, which define the leys , have been specifically positioned as markers along such chan­nels, which were known to their prehistoric architects.

Taking this argument further, some protagonists of this theory maintain that the Com Circles are indeed caused by manifestation of this Earth energy; it is the rotating force, coming up out of the ground, that causes the com to fall. Many researchers are breaking new ground cur­rently in their efforts to understand more about the nature of the leys, and their mysterious Earth energy.

Although many orthodox scientists would react to all of this with derisory snorts of “Pseudo-science!” there is an accumulating body of evidence to support this partic­ular approach. The primary method of detecting this Earth energy is by means of dowsing, using metal rods, but much work has been done recently at various ancient sites using standard scientific instruments to measure electrical cur­ rents and magnetic fields that appear to be associated with the Earth energy. In particular, significant results have been produced by the Dragon Project, in which lengthy investigations were carried out at the Rollright Stones and other sites .

CPR has carried out extensive tests with dowsers in the Circles and in positions where Circles have been. Almost invariably, very strong dowsing reactions are observed, which have proved extremely consistent. Results in the Hampshire and Wiltshire Circles show a force that acts on the dowsing rods which is generally in the same direction as that in which the corn is swirled. The force is also detectable in the standing com, and varies in direction and strength depending on distance from the center. This force can be frequently detected flowing to the Circle along an energy path from a nearby archaeological feature such as a tumulus, which may be situated on a known ley line, and this energy path may distort the formation or cause a quintuple’s satellite not to form, if it crosses such a posi­tion. Quite apart from the dowsing experiments, electrical measurements have shown consistently anomalous values in the Circles and their vicinity.

Although it is too early to assess the results of this work, there is a strong indication that whatever force causes the com to be laid flat, it persists in and around the Circle for long after the Circle forms, and can usually be detected in that place weeks after the crop has been harvested and the field ploughed. In fact, a good dowser can, without too much difficulty, pinpoint the position of a previous year’s Circle in a field, without having been told where to look.

The dowsers also sometimes detect definite changes of polarity in this force long after the Circle has been formed and the crop harvested. Visually observable changes in the direction of swirl of the com, and even the size of some Circles, have been noted in a very few cases, such as two formations near Westbury in August 1987. · All this serves to confirm something which has long been suspected: That whatever “agency” produces the Circles, it is not only invisible, but is most likely present for some time before and after the corn is found to have been laid flat. This would explain why various effects such as “electrical crackling” noises, humming noises , beating noises, bright flashes, recurring flashes, and indeed, UFOs, have been reported, sometimes before, and some­ times after, the Circles have been formed. The true nature of this “agency, ” whether it involves Earth energy or electromagnetic energy or something else, remains, for the time being, a mystery.