The Secrets of Stealth and Skylab

Area 51 The Revealing Truth of Ufos, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups & Conspiracies

When it comes to the matter of Area 51 and the 1970s, two important issues cannot be ignored, and they should not be ignored. One was the early development of what has become known as “stealth” technology for aircraft. The other issue revolves around NASA and is a real can of worms. We’ll begin with matters of the stealthy kind. It was in 1988 that both the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter and the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit were unveiled for one and all to see.

The completely black, triangular-shaped aircraft caught the world’s attention primarily because of their strange, angular shapes. It’s intriguing to note that in 1982, a wave of encounters with what became known as “Flying Triangles” began over portions of New York State, specifically in the Hudson Valley. In their 1988 book Night Siege, authors Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt wrote: “Can 7,000 eyewitnesses be wrong? They were there to witness the huge, hovering object in the sky, the flashing lights, the eerie silence. They are ordinary people from all walks of life: stay-at-home moms, kids, business people, engineers. They tell their stories here, and they all agree on one thing: they saw the same massive object cruising over their backyards.

And it was like nothing they had seen before.…” At the time, when the Hudson Valley encounters were at their peak, it was reasonably assumed by UFO researchers just about here, there, and everywhere that aliens had invaded and were scoping out the area to a massive degree.

When, however, the stealth planes were unleashed in 1988—planes that looked eerily like the Hudson Valley “UFOs”—more than a few of those same ufologists came to wonder if what was seen over the Hudson Valley was actually a top-secret variation on the Stealth Fighter and the Stealth Bomber. Regardless of whether or not the Hudson Valley UFOs originated in the United States or on a world far, far away, one of the most intriguing revelations that surfaced when the stealth planes were revealed was the startling fact that they had been secretly flying not just for a few years but since the 1970s at Area 51, and the secret (the top secret) had been skillfully contained for more than a decade.