The Lazar Revelations (Part 2)

Area 51 The Revealing Truth of Ufos, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups & Conspiracies

When Teller died in 2003 at the age of ninety-five, the United Kingdom’s Telegraph newspaper noted the following: “A man of enormous intellect, and one of the most controversial scientific figures of the 20th century, Teller made important contributions to the field of quantum mechanics and physical chemistry as well as nuclear physics; but it was as an ardent ‘Cold War Warrior’ that he entered the popular mind.” Demonstrating just how easily Teller moved among some of the most powerful people on the planet is this, also from the Telegraph: “In September 1982, Teller visited the White House for a meeting with Reagan’s science adviser, at which they discussed the feasibility of establishing an anti-ballistic missile system based in outer space. Thus was born the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI), popularly known as ‘Star Wars.’

In an unexpected television address to the nation, Reagan called upon the ‘scientific community who gave us nuclear weapons to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons obsolete.’ Star Wars was a controversial initiative. Its development by-passed existing treaties and aroused the indignation of the Soviet Union; its very feasibility remained hypothetical. Only its vast cost—budgeted at $40 billion— was beyond dispute.” On the day on which the two men met, Lazar sat in on a lecture that Teller gave at Los Alamos.

It was not so much Teller’s lecture that amazed Lazar; rather, it was the fact that when Lazar was hanging around at the entrance to the facility, Teller was sitting on a wall and reading the very article that the Los Alamos Monitor had written on Lazar—which just happened to be a front-page article. Since Lazar had secured several copies of the issue of the newspaper when it was published, he instantly recognized what it was that Teller was so fixated on, so Lazar decided to make the plunge: he walked over to Teller and told him who he was—namely, the person profiled in the article because of his jet-car achievements. Teller found it all very interesting. The two talked for a while about their respective work, after which Teller headed off inside to deliver his presentation

Six years later, the paths of Lazar and Teller crossed again. It would lead Lazar into the world of Area 51, UFOs, and aliens—dead, alive, or maybe both —and some of the most classified secrets of the U.S. government, or, possibly, of a powerful group that wasn’t even answerable to Congress or the president of the United States. Alternatively, was Lazar the subject of strange and manipulative mind games? It’s a question that pops up throughout Lazar’s story.

In 1988, Lazar had a very different job than all of those who came before him. He was living and working in Sin City itself, Las Vegas, where he ran a photo-processing store. It was a job, and it paid the bills. It was not, however, the dream job that Lazar wanted. That dream would soon come true, but it may have also become a definitive nightmare. Lazar decided to send out a résumé to just about anyone and everyone he had worked with, met, and knew. One of those— no surprise—was Edward Teller. It’s also not surprising that Teller remembered all too well the young man with the liquid propane car that could zoom across the landscape at two hundred miles per hour. Teller also remembered that Lazar had a background in physics. More importantly, Teller had power, influence, and the ability to open doors and access some of the U.S. government’s most prized and guarded secrets. It was soon thereafter that Lazar was contacted by an agent of Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier, Inc.—in short, EG&G, as it is now officially titled. It’s a company that has undertaken numerous top-secret programs in support of the defense and national security of the United States.

Lazar met with staff from EG&G at an office in Las Vegas’s McCarran Airport. It turned out to be a bit of a letdown—but one with a distinct light at the end of the tunnel. Lazar was actually told that he was over-qualified for the position that they had in mind, but they had another project in mind that, they felt, would be far more ideal for Lazar. All that Lazar was told at the time was that the program revolved around alternative and novel propulsion systems. For someone who had built his own jet car, this sounded like something right up Lazar’s alley.
It wasn’t long before Lazar had his follow-up interview—once again in the offices at McCarran Airport. The meeting was with a man named Dennis Mariani, a no-nonsense type who had the air of a military officer and turned out to be Lazar’s supervisor. The pair flew out of the airport—just a small trip. They arrived at a facility out in the desert, and Lazar was transported to a vehicle with blacked-out windows. From there, Lazar was driven to a portion of Area 51, which Lazar came to know as S-4.

In the weeks that followed, Lazar claimed that he found himself in a world that was almost unbelievable. Lazar said that he was informed that the previously referred-to alternative and novel propulsion system was nothing less than extraterrestrial in origin and nature. That’s right: Bob Lazar was about to start working on a spaceship built in another solar system. As for S-4, according to Lazar, it was a massive facility; however, one would not know that if one were to fly over it. In fact, you would scarcely know if you were on the ground, either. Lazar explained that S-4 was actually built within the surrounding mountains, which had been carefully and massively hollowed out. It was within these reinforced, hollow areas that all of the work on the alien craft was undertaken. Nothing could be seen from the sky. Practically nothing could be seen on the ground, and the whole facility was hidden in the mountains. It was the perfect location to work on, and hide, the flying saucers that Dennis Mariani told Lazar were stored out at S-4.

The story went that the staff at Area 51 had no fewer than nine alien craft in their possession. Most of them were in good condition—in fact, some were in excellent condition. One was superficially damaged but not overly so. It’s hardly surprising that Lazar was threatened—with his life, no less—to never talk about any of this with anyone outside of the program. That included Lazar’s wife, family, and friends. On this issue, Lazar was told that to ensure that he toed the line, his home phone would be tapped. He had to sign a document that starkly detailed the result of any violations of the agreement—which included lengthy jail sentences and even a visit from the Grim Reaper, that is, from a government agent with a flair for snuffing out lives.

He was even told that if he did ever speak out of line, hypnosis and chemicals could be used to wipe out his memories of what he saw out at S-4. For Lazar, this was all very ominous, but the stakes were so high—the ability to work on alien spaceships—that it was too great a lure to say no to. Lazar eagerly signed away his life in an instant. Maybe all of us would have if we were given the opportunity.

It turned out that Lazar’s time spent at S-4 was short with a very good reason, as will soon become apparent, but for those brief couple of months that he was secretly employed out at the Area 51 complex, Lazar was exposed to a great deal of material—all of it fascinating and bizarre.

One of the first things that Lazar was exposed to was a huge stash of highly classified papers that detailed the history of what the U.S. government knew about UFOs and an alien presence on our planet—a presence that began thousands of years ago, maybe even tens of thousands of years ago. The files told a shocking story: all of our gods and deities were really aliens who had engaged in a vast genetic experiment that mutated the likes of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons into Homo sapiens. In that sense, we owe our existence not to a heavenly creator of supernatural origins but to scientists from another world. It was a stark wake-up call for Lazar.

Were the documents the real deal, though, or were they ingenious disinformation? That’s an issue we’ll come back to shortly. It’s worth noting, too, that while the nature of the files was different, this issue of Lazar being flooded with files on UFOs and aliens almost as soon as he arrived closely mirrored the situation John found himself in at the base in the early 1970s, almost two decades earlier.

The primary reason why Lazar was brought onboard, we are told by Lazar himself, was to see if he could offer some meaningful insight into the exact nature of the propulsion systems of the various crafts held at S-4. Reportedly, all of the craft were powered by a super-heavy element known as Element 115—an element that, at the time, was said to not exist on Earth. It was this issue, more than any other, that led Lazar to believe that the saucer-shaped craft he saw were alien craft rather than highly advanced aircraft of the U.S. military. Although the team of about twenty people with whom Lazar worked were all highly skilled, they had made very little progress when it came to fully understanding the technology. Yes, they had been able to raise the craft twenty or thirty feet into the air, but that was about all.