The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – Perplexing Trends

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – Perplexing Trends

As I have discussed in my previous books, the UFO phenomenon has long been associated with unexplained mutilations of animals, particularly cattle. Although the first public reports came out in 1967, the mutilations began in the mid- 1950s, according to Lieutenant Colonel Philip J. Corso, who from 1954-57 served on the National Security Council’s Operations Coordination Board, the most sensitive executive branch of the United States Government. ‘Whoever went after the animals,’ says Corso, ‘seemed most interested in the mammary, digestive, and reproductive organs, especially the uteruses from cows.’

He continues:

In many cases the eyes or throats were removed in a type of surgery in which the demarcation line was almost microscopically thin and the surrounding tissue showed that the incision had superheated and then blackened as it cooled

. . . the removal of the animal’s blood — where blood had been completely drained — [was] so sophisticated that there was almost no peripheral damage to the surrounding tissue . . . We had no medical instruments that even remotely approached what the aliens could do.

Seldom have we had such solid evidence linking the two phenomena, though there are a number of cases in which circumstantial evidence is provided. One such is the following.

In 1969, Wendelle Stevens delivered a C-54 transport plane to a client, Oscar Bowles, a wealthy Bolivian businessman to whom Stevens had delivered over a dozen cargo planes in the past. Bowles’s ranch was at Santa Rosa, where he had a meat-processing plant. Above his property, to the west, was a sheep herder whom Bowles knew well. According to Bowles, the sheep herder and two of his Indian helpers were watching the flock one bright day when a silent disc-shaped aircraft came out of the sky, gliding down gently in a curving approach until only 50 feet above them.

The disc stopped, hovered momentarily, and flashes of white light emitted from its underside like electricity jumping a gap, striking the sheep. This happened about 30 times in quick succession, and the sheep fell to the ground.

As Stevens relates:

As it became apparent that the flock was the target of interest, the shepherd picked up a stick and, raising it, started to run toward the slowing, shiny metallic disc. With his first threatening motion of raising the club, there was a flash of violet light and he suddenly was unable to continue the motion. It was like he was immersed in molasses. He could barely move, and then very slowly. He could roll his eyes and look around. He saw his helpers apparently in the same kind of paralysis . . . The stricken sheep did not move.

As he watched, the silver disc-shaped craft, with a shiny dome on top, descended still more, to about five or six feet above the ground, and a trapdoor with a built-in stair opened down from underneath, and two human- like feet started down the stair from the center of the ship. First one and then another emerged, and as they reached the bottom of the stair and stepped off, he was sure they were normal men in strange suits.

The form-fitting suits were a bright, reflective white, of the one-piece coverall type, with a transparent dark helmet over the head. The beings wore matching white gloves and boots, and each carried what looked like a shiny silver fire- extinguisher in one hand, and a black nozzle on the end of a white hose to the bottle in the other.

These two men walked around among the flock putting the ‘fire-extinguisher’ nozzle to each of the fallen sheep in turn, apparently showing little interest in the shepherds. They finished their task in only three or four minutes and then walked back and boarded the ship up the stairway. The stair retracted as the big, circular ship, over 30 feet in diameter, drifted higher, to about 300 to 400 feet. From that position, there was a tremendous ‘sshhoo’ and the ship sped up into the blue sky at a steep angle and disappeared.

As soon as the craft had vanished, the shepherds recovered from their paralysis and rushed to their flock. All 34 sheep were dead. The shepherd and his helpers dragged the sheep to one side to bleed them — but there was no blood. ‘The three men carried the carcasses to the hut and began to dress them out,’ continued Stevens. ‘They not only found them bloodless, they found certain organs considerably desiccated and spongy, including the brain, spleen and eyeballs.’

Although the witnesses agreed that the beings looked human, they felt certain that they did not originate from anywhere on Earth.