Supernatural Dangers (Part 2)

Area 51 The Revealing Truth of Ufos, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups & Conspiracies

However, if the Djinn are supernatural entities that live in other dimensions and are plasma-based rather than being of flesh and blood, then how could the technology planned for the Strategic Defense Initiative affect them? Creighton had formulated a theory based on what he claimed was information provided by three Marconi whistle-blowers who had spent time at Area 51 in the early 1980s working secretly with their American colleagues.

While Creighton’s revelations on this particular issue are limited in content—which he said was as a result of his desire to protect his Edward Snowden-style whistle-blowers—they are still highly thought provoking. Creighton said that his shadowy informants had told him that one of the weapons being designed to destroy the Djinn presence on Earth by using weaponry designed for the SDI could—as Creighton worded it —“disrupt the Djinn’s [plasma-based] form.”

The weirdness didn’t end there. It had barely begun.

Things got even stranger. Creighton asserted that elements of British Intelligence, at the height of SDI research in the 1980s, secretly consulted with experts on the Djinn. It was something that allegedly led to contact with such creatures and a form of a “Faustian pact” between powerful figures here on Earth and the Djinn. The plan was to try to ensure a truce—albeit probably an uneasy truce—between the Western world’s military and the Djinn.

The Djinn would agree to hold off on unleashing a “worldwide deception” and a “planetary invasion” if an agreement was made that the SDI would not proceed. Western governments grudgingly agreed and were also forced to turn a blind eye to such things as Djinn-driven “alien abductions” and “cattle mutilations,” added Creighton.

If you think that things could not get any weirder, then you’re wrong.

Creighton made the astonishing claim that at least some of the Marconi deaths were the work of malevolent Djinn and also of British Intelligence—both
seeking to ensure that the aims of the “pact” (the end of the SDI) were achieved.

Yes, it’s quite a story, one involving Russian assassins, U.K. assassins, and even Djinn assassins! It’s no wonder that years after I interviewed Creighton, I still ponder on his story. However, pondering on it doesn’t mean that it’s the absolute truth or even anywhere near it. For example, assuming that Djinn are real, all-powerful, and manipulators of the human race, why would they even need to enter into some kind of Faustian agreement in the first place? Why not simply wipe out the SDI people directly and avoid any kind of “negotiation” with government officials?

Of course, the idea of Djinn and government officials “negotiating” on the SDI program sounds not just surreal but beyond surreal, and I remain puzzled with regard to Creighton’s claim that the ultimately ill-fated SDI program had the ability to wipe out plasma-based entities from some completely different realm of existence.

In conclusion, I would have to say that Gordon Creighton clearly believed that the UFO phenomenon was Djinn based, and I believe that Creighton had insider sources in Marconi—who spent time at Area 51 in the early 1980s. I have no doubt of that. To what extent his theories concerning the SDI, the Marconi deaths, and the Djinn had any merit, however, is anyone’s guess. The whole thing lacks verification, and the bulk of the story came from Creighton himself and from certain unnamed “sources.” Maybe it was just a theory on his part and nothing else.

On the other hand, could Creighton’s thoughts and conclusions contain a nugget or several of truth? Yes, certainly. Creighton was no fool. He did move in high and influential circles in the military and with the intelligence services of the United Kingdom. Is the big secret concerning UFOs that it’s not extraterrestrial but supernatural? In the next chapter, we’ll see further evidence for that supernatural aspect and how it ties in with the top-secret files that Bob Lazar read during his short time spent at Area 51.