Steps to the Stars – A COMMON ANCESTRY

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – A COMMON ANCESTRY

Alan explained that the symbol of the tree and the serpent was not unique to Earth. It is a natural one, ‘perhaps because life is said to originate in the waters of a planet, and the undulations of a serpent are a convenient symbol for the waves of a sea. The tree is almost always the symbol of life, beginning in the sea, rising to the atmosphere, and finally into space.’ But there was another factor, he added, that perhaps was significant.

Your people, and some of mine, including myself, have, at least in part, a common ancestry. Tens of thousands of years ago, some of our ancestors lived upon this planet, Earth. There was, at that time, a small continent in a part of the now sea-covered area which you have named the Pacific Ocean. Some of your ancient legends refer to this sunken land mass as the ‘Lost Continent of Lemuria, or Mu’.

Our ancestors had built a great empire and a mighty science upon this continent. At the same time, there was another rapidly developing race upon a land mass in the south-west portion of the present Atlantic Ocean.

In your legends, this continent has been named Atlantis. There was rivalry between the two cultures, in their material and technological progress. It was friendly at first, but became bitter . . . In a few centuries their science had passed the point which your race has reached. Not content with releasing a few crumbs of the binding energy of the atom, as your science is now doing, they had learned to rotate entire masses upon the energy axis. Energies equal to 75 million of your kilowatt hours were released by the conversion of a bit of matter about the mass of one of your copper pennies.

With the increasing bitterness between the two races . . . it was inevitable that they would eventually destroy each other. The energies released in that destruction were beyond all human imagination. They were sufficient to cause major shifts in the surface configuration of the planet, and the resulting nuclear radiation was so intense and so widespread that the entire surface became virtually unfit for habitation, for a number of generations.