Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – SINISTER SPACE CREATURES

Itaperuna was the scene of even more disturbing encounters later in 1971; encounters reflecting an increasingly sinister trend. On the evening on 22 September, Paulo Gaetano Silveira, a 27-year-old mechanic, was driving home to Itaperuna from Carangola when he noticed a low-flying object, which turned out to be a luminous disc that seemed to be following him. Frightened, he stopped in Tombos and reported the matter to the police, who did not take it seriously. Paulo set off once more, only to find the object still tailing him: it was now 19.00.

Shortly after leaving the town of Natividade, Paulo saw what at first he took to be a ‘black ox’ in the middle of the road, but when it turned vivid red, then brilliant white, he could see that it was the disc.

Then a luminous beam shot out from it towards him, and he felt his engine beginning to falter. The engine died, and he found himself confronted by a craft a little bigger than the familiar Volkswagen car . . . It had small windows, just like an aircraft, and a door was open. Near this door were standing two small chubby beings about 40-50 centimetres high . . . He felt his whole body, and especially his legs, being drawn in some mysterious way towards that open door.

The creatures reminded Paulo of dwarfs, with fair complexions, slit eyes and flattish heads. They were dressed in one-piece overalls of a bright, luminous, sky-blue colour, with long sleeves to the wrists, high collars, and ‘Roman helmets’ with spikes on top. Moving about like automata, with rigid arms and legs, they carried objects that gave off bright red and blue beams of light.

Paulo reported that he felt overpowered: all energy and willpower drained out of him as he was ‘drawn’ towards the lights. He fought hard mentally, but to no avail. The creatures advanced on him and dragged him silently towards their craft. They seemed very strong for their size. Just as they got him to the door, he put up resistance, causing some injuries to his arms. Once inside the machine, he found it difficult to observe everything, owing to the dazzling white light that permeated the cabin, which he estimated at about three metres in diameter and 2.5 metres high. The fittings appeared to be very simple.

There were now a total of seven of the creatures, and they seemed to be examining him silently, as though he were some rare species of animal. At no point did he hear any sound exchanged between them, though it was clear that they were in communication with each other.

Paulo then heard an ‘infernal din’ start up, and assumed that the disc was in flight or in movement, at which point he became unconscious.

Later, after what lapse of time he does not know, he heard a strange humming sound and was aware that they were carrying him out and were laying him beside the road near his car. He was apparently conscious enough to see what happened after this, for he says he saw the machine rise silently into the air and that it seemed to hang there, suspended, for a brief moment, before shooting away . . . like a flash of lightning, and was gone from sight.